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It shall be a Jubilee for you when every one of you shall return to your own property and every one to your family estate. Leviticus 25.

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Presentation on theme: "It shall be a Jubilee for you when every one of you shall return to your own property and every one to your family estate. Leviticus 25."— Presentation transcript:


2 It shall be a Jubilee for you when every one of you shall return to your own property and every one to your family estate. Leviticus 25

3 It is a time of pilgrimage and homecoming when links with the land and family are restored and renewed. Jubil ee



6 The kind of fasting I want is this: Remove the chains of oppression and the yoke of injustice and let the oppressed go free. Isaiah 58:6

7 Jubil ee The land and its resources belong to God and need to be shared equitably for the benefit of all.



10 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has chosen me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives. Luke 4:18

11 Jubil ee Jubilee calls us to strive for liberation of those entrapped by social, political or physical bonds.



14 Be kind and tender- hearted to one another and forgive one another, as God has forgiven you through Christ. Ephesians 4:32

15 Jubil ee All life and land belong to God. All debts are to be forgiven and cancelled.



18 The land shall not be sold in perpetuity, for the land is mine … throughout the land that you hold, you shall provide for the redemption of the land. Leviticus 25: 23,24

19 Jubil ee The Jubilee year is a year-long sabbath of rest for the land and its peoples. It is a time to reconnect with our true selves, with those closest to us, with the earth and with our God.



22 You shall have the trumpet sounded loud throughout all your land. You shall hallow the fiftieth year … it shall be a Jubilee year for you. Leviticus 25: 8-10

23 Jubil ee Jubilee is a time of great joy and gratitude for God’s goodness and kindness.




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