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Vista Park Lodge’s “BEEFS & BOUQUETS PROGRAM”. The focus of this program was to increase the input of our 2 nd floor Residents, many with mild to moderate.

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Presentation on theme: "Vista Park Lodge’s “BEEFS & BOUQUETS PROGRAM”. The focus of this program was to increase the input of our 2 nd floor Residents, many with mild to moderate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vista Park Lodge’s “BEEFS & BOUQUETS PROGRAM”

2 The focus of this program was to increase the input of our 2 nd floor Residents, many with mild to moderate cognitive impairment. The name was derived from the long standing radio show on C.J.O.B. We thought by using this name it may spark some familiarity since many Residents still maintain some long term memory.

3 Our Resident Council on the 1 st floor were very active and often their decisions could impact 2 nd floor programming. We needed an avenue of fairness. Beefs and Bouquets provided that opportunity. The purpose of this program was to empower Residents by facilitating the success of simple decision-making. For example choices of meals, entertainment and programming.

4 The areas of discussion in this presentation will cover:  Why we determined this program was necessary  Developing the Terms of Reference  Meeting Plan  The Agenda  Follow Through  Evaluation Outcomes

5 WHY WE DETERMINED THIS PROGRAM WAS NECESSARY  It would provide 2nd floor Residents with some input into their daily lives.  It would allow them to express feelings and opinions in a non-judgmental environment.

6 WHY WE DETERMINED THIS PROGRAM WAS NECESSARY con’t  It would provide an avenue for residents suggestions and requests to be incorporated into Resident Council decision making.  It would promote a feeling of community and comradery in a less structured, non-demanding environment.

7 2nd FLOOR BEEFS AND BOUQUETS GROUP MEETINGS PURPOSE  Empowerment: To facilitate the success of simple decision making regarding choices of meals, entertainment and programming.  Communication: To provide an opportunity for 2nd floor Residents to voice their opinions regarding their likes and dislikes.  Improvement: Opportunity for staff to gather information from Residents and implement changes to improve and enhance quality of life and support the Continuous Quality Improvement process.

8 OBJECTIVES  Empowerment: The Beefs and Bouquets group will have input that facilitates changes based on Residents feedback.  Communication: Recreation staff will encourage input by providing a loosely structured casual forum in a simple format.  Improvement: Residents will be empowered by having their suggestion followed up on.

9 MEMBERSHIP  Open to all Residents  Open to family members  Chairperson / Secretary (Recreation Staff) FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS  Monthly meetings

10 REPORTING STRUCTURE  Recreation staff will review minute meetings with Recreation Manager to ensure areas identified are followed up on.  All members of the Leadership & Partnership Team will receive meeting minutes.  Minutes will be posted for Residents, families and staff.

11 MEETING PLAN  To begin the meeting, we introduce ourselves and the Residents and thank them for coming.  To center Residents as to why they are in the room, we review the minutes of the previous meeting.  Meetings take place in the morning when Residents are most alert.

12 MEETING PLAN con’t  During the meeting we introduce one agenda item at a time offering two or three selections, then we ask for feedback and suggestions.  A vote is taken by a show of hands to express preferences.  When the meeting is ended, we thank the Residents for coming and providing their suggestions.

13 MEETING PLAN con’t  All of the above is recorded in the minutes and must be followed up by the next meeting.  There are always two (2) staff members at the meetings, one acts as the facilitator while the other one is the secretary.

14 THE AGENDA  Provide a set agenda but you should be open, flexible and sensitive to individual’s input.  The agenda items are generally made up of but not limited to the following topics: Programs Food Choices Entertainment Outings

15 FOLLOW THROUGH  Minutes are completed. Recreation manager and recreation staff meet regarding requests.  Programs and choices are incorporated in the monthly recreation calendar.  It is critical to ensure that what Residents have requested actually happens.

16 EVALUATION  Observation of program and Resident’s interaction.  Feedback at the event from Residents, family and staff. Often Residents may make a comment at a later time that is brought to our attention by staff or family members.

17 EVALUATION con’t  Review and evaluate the minutes from last month’s meetings.  Monitor these programs through our Continuous Quality Improvement Indicator (CQI) on an ongoing basis.

18 OUTCOMES  Resident was all smiles when a program she had suggested was successful. Several family members came up to her after the program to thank her for her suggestion.

19 OUTCOMES con’t  Due to Residents input the following changes have occurred: milkshakes and ice wafer cookies for 2nd floor birthday parties have become standard fare due to Resident input increased entertainment on 2nd floor pureed meals-breakfast (eggs Benedict) lunch (hamburgers) increase in special events on 2nd floor ie. Birthday Parties and Pub Night

20 OUTCOMES con’t  Dinner Party – Resident’s spouse commented that she was not able to take her husband out and having a special dining experience was like going out to a restaurant.  Residents chose specific food items like donuts or Tim Bits. Success of the program was evident since all the donuts and Tim bits were gone while the cookie tray was still ½ full.

21 The Beefs and Bouquets Program has had a positive impact of the whole culture of the facility. The 1 st floor Residents were reluctant to join any 2 nd floor events. Due to the Pub Night and Birthday Parties on the 2 nd floor, these Residents have become more accepting and now readily attend programs up there.

22 Many of us assume we know what’s best for the Residents. We make assumptions that Residents with cognitive impairment can not contribute or make simple decisions regarding their choices or daily activities. By doing so we fail to empower Residents. As staff, we tend to take over. Our Beef and Bouquets Program requires us to step back and allow Resident decision making.

23 This program has not been an easy one for recreation staff to facilitate. Some meetings have been more difficult than others. Participation at meetings can range from minimal to maximum. Most importantly we never assume that the Residents are not capable. Staff have been taken aback by how adamant the Residents are when it comes to their likes and dislikes. Resident responses are often quite different than what staff have anticipated.

24 When dealing with cognitively impaired, some Resident’s family members have said, I don’t know why I come here, my mother/father doesn’t even know I’m here. Our answer to them is you know you’re here and that is the most important thing. Even though there are times when Residents may not know or realize they are being empowered, we know that we are facilitating it. The greater crime would be not to try.

25 Vista Park Lodge’s “BEEFS & BOUQUETS PROGRAM”

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