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Objectives Itinerary By the end of the meeting, the participants will have:  Reviewed key points about the PARCC Assessment  Experienced the PARCC Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives Itinerary By the end of the meeting, the participants will have:  Reviewed key points about the PARCC Assessment  Experienced the PARCC Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives Itinerary By the end of the meeting, the participants will have:  Reviewed key points about the PARCC Assessment  Experienced the PARCC Assessment.  Prepared to support their child in taking the PARCC Assessment Welcome Introductions PARCC Who, What, When, How and Why Trial Run Reflection & Questions

2 Who & What When & Why  Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers— group of 19 states  Aligned with Common Core, supported by Chief State School Officers  Designed by Pearson and ETS  Westbrook students in grades 3-5  English Language Arts/Literacy  Mathematics  Includes critical thinking and writing  This year!  Assure student progress  Individual accountability  School progress  Aligned to Common Core and Curriculum 2.0  More to learning than can be captured with a bubble

3 ELA/Literacy Item Types  Evidence-Based Selected Response- (PBA & EOY)  Technology-Enhanced Constructed Response- (PBA & EOY)  Prose Constructed Response-(PBA only) ELA Task Types (PBA only)  Literary Analysis Task  Research Simulation Task  Narrative Task Mathematics Task Types  Type 1-(PBA & EOY)  Balance of conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and application.  Type 2- (PBA only)  Call for written arguments and justification  Type 3- (PBA only)  Modeling/application in a real-world context One Test, Two Parts Performance Based Assessment (PBA)- March 2 nd -27 th End of Year Assessment (EOY)- April 20 th -May 15th

4 1. We will start with the ELA practice test. 2. We will take the ELA test silently for 15 minutes, and the Math test for 5 minutes.  Experience taking all task types. 3. After 15 minutes, we will reflect on the test individually for 3 minutes. 4. We will share out with our table for 2 minutes. 5. We will repeat with the math test. actice-tests/ actice-tests/


6  Give students more time on the computer—ChromeBooks  Demonstrate and allow practice for students to show their work  Demonstrate how to scroll on longer passages  Review the importance of reading directions carefully, ANSWER “What should I do?” WITH “What do you think you should do?”  Build stamina with multiple or longer passages

7  Encourage students to write more responses in math and reading-even typing the responses when possible  Use close reading and support with text specific details  Explicitly model the Thinking and Academic Success Skills (TASS) skills-  Demonstrate and allow students to practice using videos as text (multiple formats).

8  Support close reading and using text specific details— Discuss what they read and ask, “What makes you say that?”  Encourage keyboarding skills and IF AVAILABLE using a screen to read.  Use of videos as text—when viewing videos discuss as you would a text—informative or fiction.  Promote a growth mindset—we are all learning!  Keep calm and carry on—deep breathe and the same good habits you typically encourage!

9 Additional questions? Post them if general. Contact Teacher or Principal if individual

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