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JWST Aperture Synthesis with NIRISS’ Non- Redundant Mask ~65 mas angular resolution imaging in F380M F430M & F480M Anand Sivaramakrishnan STScI, JWST NIRISS.

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Presentation on theme: "JWST Aperture Synthesis with NIRISS’ Non- Redundant Mask ~65 mas angular resolution imaging in F380M F430M & F480M Anand Sivaramakrishnan STScI, JWST NIRISS."— Presentation transcript:

1 JWST Aperture Synthesis with NIRISS’ Non- Redundant Mask ~65 mas angular resolution imaging in F380M F430M & F480M Anand Sivaramakrishnan STScI, JWST NIRISS Science Team, JAM lead Saavik Ford, Barry McKernan City University of New York David Lafrenière University of Montréal, JWST NIRISS Science Team Peter Tuthill University of Sydney 1

2 NIRISS (née TFI) 2 Fullerton

3 NIRISS (née TFI) 3 F430M PSF CLEAR Fullerton F430M PSF NRM 65 mas pixels Nyquist at 4 micron WebbPSF Python module (Perrin) Primary Beam  40 pixels 2.5”

4 4 Wilner (CfA) NRAO Summer School notes

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10 10 Wilner (CfA) NRAO Summer School notes

11 11 Wilner (CfA) NRAO Summer School notes

12 12 Wilner (CfA) NRAO Summer School notes

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14 ONE VOLTAGE per antenna 14 E 1 (t) E 2 (t) Correlator  One fringe per antenna pair Visibility (amplitude) & phase  visibility V 12 = V 12 exp{i   }

15 ONE VOLTAGE per antenna 15 V 12 = V 12 exp{i   } V 21 = V 12 exp{-i   }

16 Fourier transform image data V = Abs( V ) displayed here  array has same areas of data  is still a FRINGE PHASE 16 V = V(u,v) exp{i  u,v} Subapertures in pupil Image on detector Each pixel points to different part of sky, acts like a different  in correlator Pixel records square of electric field

17 17 Fourier transform image data V = Abs( V ) displayed here  array has same areas of data  is still a FRINGE PHASE Subapertures in pupil Image on detector Each pixel points to different part of sky, acts like a different  in correlator Pixel records square of electric field V = V(u,v) exp{i  u,v}

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22 22 Good uv-coverage if you repeat an observation with~ 60 degrees rotation (2 months ± ~1 fortnight)

23 23 Sivaramakrishnan, McKernan, Ford, Lafrenière, Tuthill, Teuben & Koda 03/2012 MIRIAD invert; clean; restore – using the normalized point source dirty map as clean’s beam = 500 mas = 25pc @10Mpc AGN with bar. Integrated magnitude of bar is 1 mag fainter than AGN core Bar length 7 pix ~ 3.5 /D

24 24 Sivaramakrishnan, McKernan, Ford, Lafrenière, Tuthill, Teuben & Koda 03/2012 MIRIAD invert; clean; restore – using the normalized point source dirty map as clean’s beam = 500 mas = 25pc @10Mpc AGN with bar. Integrated magnitude of bar is 1 mag fainter than AGN core Bar length 7 pix ~ 3.5 /D 1.Add noise to data, current Flight and possible future Gen2 Flight H2RG detectors 2.Develop exposure time estimates and observing templates 3.Simulate various 2-orient exposures (probably don’t need more) 4.Introduce complicated structure ‘in sky’ 5.Use full aperture PSFs in mosaicing? 6.Deliver our IDL + python(MIRIAD) pipeline (or algorithm definition) to STScI 7.Develop science cases for eg SODRM/GTO observations 8.Refine data simulator 9.Encourage advances in algorithms by NG NRM’ers – Fourier or Image plane?

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