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Faculty Senate Meeting March 19, 2015. Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call - Barbara Hale, Secretary II.Approval of February 26, 2015 meeting minutes.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty Senate Meeting March 19, 2015. Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call - Barbara Hale, Secretary II.Approval of February 26, 2015 meeting minutes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty Senate Meeting March 19, 2015

2 Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call - Barbara Hale, Secretary II.Approval of February 26, 2015 meeting minutes III.Campus Reports and Responses IV.Reports of Standing and Special Committees V.Old Business VI.New Business and Announcements VII.Adjourn

3 Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call - Barbara Hale, Secretary II. Approval of February 26, 2015 meeting minutes Meeting MinutesFeb26.15 Meeting MinutesFeb26.15 III.Campus Reports and Responses IV.Reports of Standing and Special Committees V.Old Business VI.New Business and Announcements VII.Adjourn

4 Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call - Barbara Hale, Secretary II.Approval of February 26, 2015 meeting minutes III.Campus Reports and Responses IV.Reports of Standing and Special Committees V.Old Business VI.New Business and Announcements VII.Adjourn

5 Agenda III. Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report, M. Bohner B.Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report, S. Roberts for C. Schrader ii)Provost’s Report, M. Mormile for R. Marley C. Staff Council Report, S. Lewis – NO REPORT D. Student Council, R. Jacobsen E. Council of Graduate Students, E. Ronchetto

6 President’s Report Faculty Senate Meeting March 19, 2015 President's Report6

7 Faculty Senate Officers Michael Bruening (Parliamentarian). Barbara Hale (Secretary). Steven Grant (President-Elect). Martin Bohner (President). Mark Fitch (Past President). March 19, 2015President's Report7

8 Bylaw Changes Taskforce presented draft to Chancellor. Members are: Martin Bohner, Kate Drowne, David Enke, Gregory Gelles, Barbara Hale, Suzanna Long, Robert Marley. March 19, 2015President's Report8

9 Title IX Strategic Curriculum Committee Full Committee met again last week. Members are: Joe Boehm, Martin Bohner (Co-Chair), Michelle Bresnahan, Tyrone Davidson, Keri DeGraffenreid, Kate Drowne, Ian Ferguson, Pattie Frisbee, Debbie Hickey, Paul Hirtz, Jeanie Hofer, Christine Laughlin, Oyebanjo Lajubutu, Shenethia Manuel (Chair), Alyssa McCarthy, Neil Outar, Roger Parsons, Josh Pribe, Ted Read, Stephen Roberts, Bill Schonberg (Co-Chair), Mary Helen Stoltz, Dan Waddill, Subcommittees are: Content, Bystander, Organizational Structure and Support, Online Training, Sustainability, and Curricular Infusion. January 29, 2015President's Report9

10 Panelist Pool Panelist Pool members were invited. Training was supposed to be today and tomorrow, but it was cancelled. System said: training maybe in April, maybe in end of semester, maybe after semester? IFC complained about delay. IFC suggested decentralized training. March 19, 2015President's Report10

11 Intercampus Faculty Council Last IFC meeting was one week ago in Columbia. Both S&T motions were presented to IFC. MU discussed Bowman letter and they will have a special meeting and discussion on the topic with outside consultant on April 7. UMKC and UMSL discussed Bowman letter but did not agree with it. March 19, 2015President's Report11

12 Intercampus Faculty Council IFC established a preliminary review panel for policy questions and concerns. Subcommittee will report to full IFC on a regular basis. S&T’s representative on this panel is Steven Grant. delay was discussed. March 19, 2015President's Report12

13 Academic Calendar changes UMKC proposed two academic calendar changes. Start the semester the first Monday on or after August 18. Separate fall break into two events, MT and WThF. Please send feedback to me before IFC discusses these two proposals further. March 19, 2015President's Report13

14 Board of Curators Curators Chair Don Cupps declares this year “The Year of the Student”. April 9/10 is the Rolla Board of Curators Meeting. Faculty Senate organizes breakfast on Friday, April 10, 8 – 8:45 am. Please RSVP by March 31 to Barbara Palmer (bpalmer). March 19, 2015President's Report14

15 Agenda III. Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report, M. Bohner B.Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report, S. Roberts for C. Schrader ii)Provost’s Report, M. Mormile for R. Marley C. Staff Council Report, S. Lewis – NO REPORT D. Student Council, R. Jacobsen E. Council of Graduate Students, E. Ronchetto



18 UNIVERSITY ADVANCEMENT 15 for ‘15 Program Crowd Funding Campaign TAG (Thank All Givers) Day Random Acts of Kindness Lab Dedication Celebration Battle of the Brains APRIL IS PHILANTHROPY MONTH

19 BOARD OF CURATORS, TRUSTEES, ACADEMIES Board of Curators April 9-10 Agenda includes overview of strategic plan implementation Report at Missouri S&T Board of Trustees April 15-16 Academy Meetings April 16-17

20 Image courtesy of RETURN ON INVESTMENT


22 FACULTY FIRST FRIDAYS April 3 May 1 Sept. 4 Oct. 2 Nov. 6 Dec. 4 Bring your lunch Get to know faculty Chat with administrators Drinks and dessert! Lunch is noon-1p.m. on the first Friday of the month at the Hasselmann Alumni House during the fall and spring semesters

23 HUMAN RESOURCES, EQUITY AND INCLUSION  "Mandated Reporter"  "Harassment: What It Is and How to Stop It" Deadline: March 31 REQUIRED TRAININGS

24 APRIL 7 ELECTION Learn more: Click on: “Know the Facts!”

25 Agenda III. Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report, M. Bohner B.Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report, S. Roberts for C. Schrader ii)Provost’s Report, M. Mormile for R. Marley C. Staff Council Report, S. Lewis – NO REPORT D. Student Council, R. Jacobsen E. Council of Graduate Students, E. Ronchetto

26 PROVOST’S REPORT March 19, 2015

27 Overview New Vice Provost and Dean Hiring Process Task Force recommendation near completion Special Faculty Meeting to be called

28 Office: –118 Fulton Hall –Kristen Gallagher, Executive Director of Development, begins April 6 Students: –Chelsea Atkins’ photo will be included in the Best of College and High School Photography 2015 Competition sponsored by Photographer’s Forum magazine. –Caron Harada, a biological sciences major and history minor, has been accepted into St. Louis University’s Ph.D. program in biomedical sciences. She has been awarded a full-ride fellowship. UM Research Board: (February) –CASB faculty submitted 7 proposals totaling over $400,000. College of Arts, Sciences, and Business Highlights

29 Engineering Advisory Board (EAB) met in February. College level strategic planning was held and the EAB was renamed to reflect its broader role within CEC as the Engineering and Computer Advisory Board (ECAB). The reporting responsibilities for Freshman Engineering (FE) has now been transferred to CEC. FE is currently investigating changing its name to more accurately reflect its mission for preparing the students for a career in engineering and computing. College of Engineering and Computing

30 University of Missouri Undergraduate Day at the Capitol, March 10 th 16 S&T Students Participating Missouri S&T Undergraduate Research Conference, April 15 th Registration Deadline was March 9 OURE and OURE Fellows Program 190 + OURE Students filled out applications (166 for 2014/2015) 7 OURE Fellows (8 for 2014/2015) Student Design & Experiential Learning Center Advanced Aero Vehicle Group – Airplane o Aero Design West Competition – April 24-26, 2015 Concrete Canoe o ASCE Conference Regional Competition – April 25-26, 2015 Human Powered Vehicle o Human powered Vehicle Challenge West – April 24-26, 215 Steel Bridge o ASCE Conference Regional Competition – April 23-25, 2015 Office of Undergraduate Studies

31 New Strategic Initiative Programs Announced Experience S&T –Campus visit program for prospective domestic doctoral students Dissertation Completion Fellowship –Available to 10 doctoral students who have passed their comprehensive exam by April 30, 2015 –Awardees must defend and submit their library copy by July 29, 2016 –Includes coverage of tuition/fees + $24,000 fellowship for one year Chancellor’s Distinguished Fellowship –Available to 20 prospective domestic doctoral students –Includes coverage of tuition/fees + $28,000 fellowship for up to 4 years* + $1,250 travel/conference allowance per year + professional development opportunities Office of Graduate Studies

32 Office of Sponsored Programs Summary of FY15 activities year-to-date (January) –Number of funded proposals down 23% for a total of 133 Total dollars is $21.1M which is up 14% –Number of new proposals submitted is up 3% at 325 Total dollars is $96M which is up 33% –Number of active awards is down by 5% at 593 –Total expenditures is $24.5M which is down 12% –Net grant and contract expenditures is $17.9M which is down 15% –F&A recovered is $3.4M which is down 23%

33 Web of Science training, April 1, 2015 Sign up for sessions at: Library Survey: 445 completed surveys and a 95% completion rate. Results are forthcoming. FY14: 42 instructional sessions, 1093 students FY15 thus far: 81 instructional session, 1359 students; 21 workshops, 665 students Curtis Laws Wilson Library

34 Agenda III. Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report, M. Bohner B.Administrative Reports C. Staff Council Report, S. Lewis – NO REPORT D. Student Council, R. Jacobsen E. Council of Graduate Students, E. Ronchetto

35 Agenda III. Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report, M. Bohner B.Administrative Reports C. Staff Council Report, S. Lewis – NO REPORT D. Student Council, R. Jacobsen E. Council of Graduate Students, E. Ronchetto

36 Agenda III. Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report, M. Bohner B.Administrative Reports C. Staff Council Report, S. Lewis – NO REPORT D. Student Council, R. Jacobsen E. Council of Graduate Students, E. Ronchetto


38 CGS Elections March 11 th – Nominations open – Nominations can be submitted via email to OR at our rep – Nominations must be confirmed by nominees – Students may nominate themselves April 8 th - Nominations close April 13 th -17 th – Elections If you know someone who would be interested in getting more involved with CGS, please let me know or make a recommendation to Any graduate student in good standing is eligible to run for an officer position. So recruit any people you think would be great!

39 Graduate Research Showcase April 1 st – Two 3hr sessions (only need to attend 1 session) – Registration deadline March 25 th, 2015 – 1 st prize-$500; 2 nd -$300; 3 rd -$200 – We need 10 faculty judges! If you are interested in judging, please contact me ( – You will judge for 2-3 hours in the morning or afternoon – All judges are invited to our CGS banquet (April 27 th )

40 Travel Grant Travel Grant application has gone out to graduate student body Travel period Jan 1 st - June 30 th, 2015 Applications are due March 31 st Submit completed forms to ~$200 (dependent on funds and applicants)

41 Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call - Barbara Hale, Secretary II.Approval of February 26, 2015 meeting minutes III.Campus Reports and Responses IV.Reports of Standing and Special Committees V.Old Business VI.New Business and Announcements VII.Adjourn

42 Agenda IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Curricula, T. Schuman B.Information Technology/Computing, T. Vojta

43 Campus Curricula Committee Report 19 March 2015 l CCC Meetings »2 March 2015 »6 April 2015 (upcoming) l Committee Activity »3 Degree change requests (DC forms) »7 Course change requests (CC forms) »6 Experimental course requests (EC forms)

44 Campus Curricula Committee Report 19 March 2015 l Degree Changes Requested From thcember 15th Meeting: »File #93.1Military Science: Adaptive Leadership Minor »File #192.10Psychology: Psychology BA »File #193.9Psychology: Psychology BS l Course Changes Requested From the December 15th Meeting: »File #4177Art 3260 Exploring Digital Art »File #4145Economics 5532 Advanced Mining Economics »File #718.1Economics 5644: Creativity, Innovation, and Sustainability »File #465.1Education 3212 Children’s literature »File 1452.1English 2248 Thematic Studies in Literature and Film »File 547.1Psychology 5602 Organizational Processes: Research and Practice

45 Campus Curricula Committee Report 19 March 2015 Informational Only l Experimental Courses Requested From the December 15th Meeting: »File #4181Art 3001: Creativity and Design on Film »File #4155Economics 5001: Innovation Economics »File #4187Education 2001: Integrated Social Studies for the Elementary Classroom »File #4188Education 2001: Teaching Literature in the Elementary Classroom »File #4185Education 2001: Teaching Science in the Elementary Classroom »File #4146History 2001: History of Medieval and Renaissance England

46 Agenda IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Curricula, T. Schuman B.Information Technology/Computing, T. Vojta

47 Learning Management System: Transition to Canvas still stalled. Consequences of not moving to Canvas by Dec 2015: campus will have to spend about $170,000 for Blackboard in 2016 courses for 1100 students (currently in Canvas pilot) will need to transition back to Backboard Motions: To the Faculty Senate: The ITCC again strongly endorses a change to the Canvas LMS and urges the Faculty Senate to assist in making this happen. To the Provost: The ITCC has strongly endorsed a change to the Canvas LMS. We urge you to immediately take steps to get this to happen. Both motions passed unanimously. ITCC Report to Faculty Senate, March 2015

48 Campus web presence / broken links Initial discussion with Cheryl McKay from Electronic Marketing Tools for identifying and dealing with broken links: Will be communicated to all web authors and via eConnection Further topics: Security: Moving to default “Deny inbound traffic from internet” Training students to help with maintaining department web sites ITCC Report to Faculty Senate, March 2015

49 Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call - Barbara Hale, Secretary II.Approval of February 26, 2015 meeting minutes III.Campus Reports and Responses IV.Reports of Standing and Special Committees V.Old Business VI.New Business and Announcements VII.Adjourn

50 Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call - Barbara Hale, Secretary II.Approval of February 26, 2015 meeting minutes III.Campus Reports and Responses IV.Reports of Standing and Special Committees V.Old Business VI.New Business and Announcements VII.Adjourn

51 Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call - Barbara Hale, Secretary II.Approval of February 26, 2015 meeting minutes III.Campus Reports and Responses IV.Reports of Standing and Special Committees V.Old Business VI.New Business and Announcements VII.Adjourn

52 Agenda Adjourn

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