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High school students, sign in at the table in the back. Pick up your name tag and put it on your shirt near your heart. Put food on appropriate table.

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Presentation on theme: "High school students, sign in at the table in the back. Pick up your name tag and put it on your shirt near your heart. Put food on appropriate table."— Presentation transcript:

1 High school students, sign in at the table in the back. Pick up your name tag and put it on your shirt near your heart. Put food on appropriate table. Make sure your name is on all containers and serving utensils! High School - Please fill in the tables from the center out. Middle School – Please sit at assigned tables. Kasie, Taylor, Chae, Destiny, Imani, Gregg, Kiara, Jemar – please see Mrs. H for a photo. Please see Mr. Hollinger to pay for your fundraisers.

2 Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Enjoy good food and friendship 3. Tuition Earning Activities 4.Introduction to OnBoard 5. Informational Meeting 6. Introduction to our Delegation Website 7. Parent Volunteers 8. Getting to Know Each Other 9. Service Project 10. Additional uniform 11. Expectations for January Meeting 12. Wrap-up

3 Welcome and Introductions

4 Time for Food and Socializing

5 Why We Have Orientation Meetings Video

6 Tuition Earning Activities (T.E.A.’s)

7 Keystone Candles Sales ~ $12,036 (770 Candles) Profits ~ $6258 Sammy SandwichesBon Ton Coupon Books Sales ~ $2989.75 (763 items) Books Sold ~ 557 Profits ~ $1397.30 Profits ~ $2785 Totals: Sales ~ $17,806.75 Profits ~ $10,440.3 0 Successful T.E.A.’s!!!

8 Fundraising Guidelines 1.Please promptly reply to my emails to confirm your orders. 2.Please meet all deadlines. 3.Please pay for all fundraisers by check made out to “Sue Hollinger”. Pay only for cost of items, do not include your profit. 4.Middle School make checks out to “Deb Anker”.

9 Continuing T.E.A.’s

10 Closing this week Bon Ton – Sign up to sell books on days of sale 11/9 & 11/10 at the Hanover store Fun Pasta – Order are due 11/8 – Can earn up to 50% profit




14 Service Project December 15 th Zion Lutheran Cemetery (Chestnut Hill) Glen Rock, PA Report at 10:00 AM to place wreaths. Ceremony @ Noon with Color Guard Please sign up today if attending.

15 OnBoard for Student Ambassadors

16 In OnBoard, Students Can: Contact fellow delegates Update personal information Check orientation meeting schedules View travel schedules (airlines and accommodations) Make tuition payments Learn about funding opportunities Learn about each destination with interactive study guides Learn how to apply for a passport Receive program updates and reminders Download forms and other documents such as Student Ambassador Protocol. Navigating OnBoard

17 Middle School Students follow Ms. Anker & Ms. Krantz for the rest of your meeting.

18 Meeting Procedures 1.Arrive at least 15 minutes early. 2. Sign-in & pick up papers from box. 3. Put homework & other paperwork in box. 4. Check screen for instructions. 5. Take care of fundraising items – turning in orders, paying for items, etc. 6.Sit with someone you do not know, introduce yourself, and get ready for the meeting. 7.Please review the handout “Goals and Expectations at Meetings”.

19 Goals and Expectations for Meetings Orientation Meeting Goals... ~ To understand the origins of the People to People Program, the role of the Student Ambassador, and the value of cross-cultural exchange ~ To promote global awareness by learning about the countries and peoples the delegation will visit ~ To develop citizenship, ambassadorial behavior, and communication skills ~ To bond the students as a travel team and prepare them to successfully meet the challenges of world travel Expectations of Ambassadors at Orientation Meetings… ~ Attend and participate in all meetings ~ Be on time (15 minutes early) and prepared with materials and assignments ~ Uphold Ambassadorial Standards at the meetings, including appropriate dress (as defined by the Standards for Success). ~ Check the OnBoard site regularly ~ Be familiar with the content of the Student Ambassador Protocol

20 Meeting Dates Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to check in and pick up items from your folders. If you have fundraiser items to pay for and pick up, try to arrive 30 minutes early. Please bring your notebooks and journals to all meetings. Meetings are mandatory for all ambassadors including alumni. December 8, 2012@ 12:00 - 3:00 PM January 19, 2013 @ 12:00 - 3:00 PM March 2, 2013 @ 12:00 - 3:00 PM April 20, 2013@ 12:00 - 3:00 PM June 1, 2013@ 11:30 - ???? PM

21 Items Due by the January 19 th Meeting Health Forms Complete online Available in December Print a copy to hand in Success Contracts Sign and turn in only after you have read the Standards for Success found online and in your acceptance packet

22 Another Service Project Stick It to Hunger Chae Kesselring is collecting food items for the York County Food Bank. See your handout for a list of items to donate. Please bring all items to the Dec. 8 th meeting. Give these items to Chae and sign the sheet indicating that you donated items.

23 Another Service Project Animal Rescue, Inc. Chae Kesselring is collecting items for the animal rescue in New Freedom. See your handout or go online to for a list of items to donate. Please bring all items to the Dec. 8 th meeting. Give these items to Chae and sign the sheet listing the items you donated.

24 Our Delegation’s Website Tour

25 Student Name List items to delete Both Signatures!

26 Parent help would be greatly appreciated throughout the year: 1) Refreshments 2) Farewell Picnic 3) Reunion Picnic 4) Clean up @ meetings 5) Organize Social Activities 6) Photographer Parent Volunteers

27 Social Activity

28 Students: Take your colored card and move to Cafeteria B. Parents: Sign up for refreshments for future meetings. Phone Chain sign up Committee sign up Pay for Fundraisers Time for Fun

29 Skits

30 T-shirt Design Contest Create a design to be used on our delegation tees Bring your design to the January meeting You will vote on the design you like best at that meeting. The winning design will be used on our delegation tees that will be used as an alternate uniform shirt. Each delegate should buy 1 short sleeve at a cost of about $13.00 to $20.00.

31 Expectations for January Meeting 1.Come to the meeting 15 minutes early to pick up materials and sign in. 2.If you have signed up for refreshments, please bring them. 3.If you have ordered fundraisers, please come 15 – 30 minutes early to pay for these items. 4.Complete all assignments on time. 5.Students, be prepared to introduce yourself with your bag of items.

32 Homework for December 8 th Meeting 1.Map of China This will be collected at the next meeting. 2.Student Ambassador Certification Quiz # 1 Complete Chapters #1 – 5 and complete the corresponding quiz. This is due by December 3 rd. 3.Destination Certification- Geography Review the chapter on geography of China and complete the corresponding quiz. This is due by December 3 rd. 4.Bring a bag with 3 items in it to introduce yourself and wear something that represents your school. 5.Current Event - Due by May 1st


34 Meeting Wrap-up Thank you for your time and the great food!!!! Next Meeting ~ December 8th

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