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Please sit at mixed tables - mix elementary and secondary as well as SDTs and Reading Specialists. Thank you!

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Presentation on theme: "Please sit at mixed tables - mix elementary and secondary as well as SDTs and Reading Specialists. Thank you!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please sit at mixed tables - mix elementary and secondary as well as SDTs and Reading Specialists. Thank you!


3 Enduring Understandings Professional Learning Communities should support all of the goals in the Seaford Public Schools strategic plan, teacher leaders are integral to the success of professional learning communities in schools, and the relationship among and between those teacher leaders is critical to improvements in teaching and learning.

4 Essential Questions What are the district expectations for professional learning communities? How does the Seaford School District define a professional learning community? What is the role of a collaborative culture in effective professional learning communities and what activities occur in such a culture? What is the role of the Staff Development Teacher in ensuring the success of professional learning communities in his/her school?

5 Day 5 Objectives By the end of he session, participants will be able to: Differentiate roles and responsibilities of reading specialists and SDTs based on the district’s job descriptions; Explain the role of the SDT and the reading specialist in building collaborative cultures in schools, the relationship of that work to the PLCs they are currently supporting, and how they can support each other; Use information from a discussion about how schools are using current collected data Explain how a variety of activities and stages many PLC teams go through align with what is currently occurring in Seaford’s school-based PLCs; and Provide feedback to each other about what preventions and interventions might help their PLC meetings run as smoothly as possible

6 Our Plan for the Day: ITINERARY

7 PROPOSED NORMS  Respect the confidentiality of all  Take responsibility for your own learning  Participate actively  Take risks  Honor each others’ time  Practice I-phone and computer etiquette


9 COMMUNITY BUILDER HEADLINERS Great article on your first month in this position!!! What was the headline?

10 Job Descriptions Reading Specialist Staff Development Teacher


12 Roles of the SDT SDT RS = Secondary What are your individual strengths related to each of the roles? Sharon

13 Strength and Support  What content knowledge do staff members need from school-based teacher leaders?  What are your “strengths” related to the content knowledge your staff needs? Sharon

14 Strength and Support Discussion (1) Job-alike Teams (2) SDT/RS Teams  What are are joint strengths?  How will we support each other?  Where will we find support from others when we need it?  How can we use our strengths in a flexible and collaborative way to support teachers?

15 Break You have 15 minutes for break. Please be on time.

16 Focus Questions: What is the current data you have collected thus far? How will you be using that data? Do you need to collect additional data based on unanswered questions? What are the roles of the SDTs and RSs in this work? Data Discussion


18 Let’s break for lunch.

19 Focus on ONE team in your building. Jot down some notes about how that team functions collaboratively. Individually, write your definition of a collaborative culture. What is the SDT’s role in building a collaborative culture?

20 Building a Collaborative Culture Learning by Doing: A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work DuFour, DuFour, Eaker, and Many In Triads assign and read: Person #1 - pp. 117 – 120 Person #2 - pp 127 – 129 Person #3 - pp 139 – 140 Discuss and Summarize

21 Building a Collaborative Culture Focus Question: How does what you read relate to the role of the Four Critical Questions in driving PLC discussion content/processes/decisions? What do we want our students to know and be able to do? (Curriculum and Instruction) How do we know when students have learned? (Assessment) What will we do if they haven’t learned it? (Intervention) What will we do if they already know it? (Rigor)


23 Stages and Activities in School- Based PLCs Individually read: The Evolution of a Professional Learning Team – pp. 1-5 Once Step at a Time – pp. 38-42 THINK ABOUT: Assumptions the authors hold, what you agree with, what you might argue with, and what you aspire to based on the info you read.

24 What A SSUMPTIONS does the author of the text hold? What do you A GREE with in the text? What do you want to A RGUE with in the text? What parts of the text do you want to A SPIRE to? 4 A’s Discussion Strategy

25 Break You have 10 minutes for break. Please be on time.

26 Current State- Table Groups


28 Preventions and Interventions Prevention: Used before AND during meetings To PREVENT digression Intervention: Used during meetings To get participants back on track

29 PREVENTIONS OCCUR… before the meeting Agenda (and communication) Environment Previous feedback/Input during the meeting Ground rules and roles Feedback on feedback Bin Meeting notes/decisions Action minutes after the meeting Meeting notes/decisions Action minutes



32 WhoWhatBy WhenStatus SharonSend Pam handouts electronically April 21Completed PamSend electronic handouts to the participants April 22 LindaDevelop survey questions to be reviewed by team at the next meeting May 8 ACTION MINUTES

33 INTERVENTIONS … …behaviors or “moves” that the facilitator makes during a meeting to get people back on track. These “moves” insure that resistant, frustrated, negative or controlling team members don’t keep the team from being effective and/or productive. When handled properly, interventions “work like magic” to get things back on track in a meeting.

34  Accept/Legitimize/ Deal With or D efer  Regain Focus  Use Humor  Boomerang  Ask What’s Going On  Enforce Process Agreement INTERVENTIONS


36 Evaluation and Preview

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