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Sam Pittman and Ashley Bui. Explain the importance of genetics in relation to horses. LEQ:

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Presentation on theme: "Sam Pittman and Ashley Bui. Explain the importance of genetics in relation to horses. LEQ:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sam Pittman and Ashley Bui

2 Explain the importance of genetics in relation to horses. LEQ:

3 The Basics  Genes – Basic unit of inheritance  Alleles – Different forms of the same gene  Chromosomes – Carry genetic information  DNA – Part of chromosomes; also carries genetics

4 Chromosomes & Genes  Horses have 32 chromosome pairs, which means they have 64 chromosomes total  Where are… DNA found? Genes found? Chromosomes found?

5 DNA  Structure of DNA  How does coding work? Genetic codes

6 Genes  Alleles Where are they found? What do they do? What are they?

7 Heredity vs. Environment  Qualitative traits Phenotypes Genotypes 3 types of gene action  Quantitative traits Environment’s effect  Genotypic vs. phenotypic expressions Genotypes are the actual hereditary traits Phenotypes are the traits you can see

8 Horse Improvement Programs  Selection is based on phenotypes  Basic principles  Scored on: Front limbs Hind limbs Head, neck, body, and balance Athletic movement Type

9 Coat Color  Coat color genes W gene G gene E gene A gene C gene D gene TO gene

10 Coat Color Genes GeneAllelesObserved Coat Color WWwWw ww: Horse is fully colored. GGgGg gg: Horse does not grow gray hair as they age. EEeEe E: Horse has black hair. ee: Skin is black, but appears red. AAaAa A: Controls distribution of black hair. aa: Distributes black hair evenly. CCCC: Horse is fully colored. DDdDd dd: Horse has unmixed coat color. TO to toto: No spots.

11 Genomes  Complete set of instructions for making organisms  XX and XY Genome

12 Genetic Diseases  Defects in DNA  Failure to important proteins  Abnormal proteins  Examples of diseases include: Parrot mouth Connective tissue disease Cataracts

13 Activity!  For this activity, you will be producing codes that make a certain colored horse. For example, if we ask you to make a white horse, your code will only consist of the W gene.

14 Give us a… Gray horse! G

15 Give us a… Bay horse! E, A, CC, dd, gg, ww, toto

16 Give us a… Black horse! E, aa, CC, dd, gg, ww, toto

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