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Reform shifts from the farm to the city and climbs the ladder of government from the local to the state and then to the national level.

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Presentation on theme: "Reform shifts from the farm to the city and climbs the ladder of government from the local to the state and then to the national level."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reform shifts from the farm to the city and climbs the ladder of government from the local to the state and then to the national level.

2 Huge Gap between rich and poor Tremendous economic and political power of the rich Wealthy were insensitively flaunting their wealth before a poorer public

3 Industrial workers hideously poor, living in squalor and working in dangerous conditions Jacob Riis’ How the Other Half Lives (1890) Little concern for Black America


5 The “Social Gospel” movement --Walter Rauschenbusch: Christianity and the Social Crisis (1907) Settlement House Workers --Jane Addams, Hull House in Chicago (1889) Americans of “Old Wealth”

6 Young, socially- conscious lawyers Investigative Journalists -- “Muckrakers” --Lincoln Steffens, Ida Tarbell, and Upton Sinclair Small businessmen

7 Desire to remedy problems through government initiative Reliance on “experts” -- Robert Lafollette’s “Wisconsin Idea” Wanted reform not revolution Stressed the importance of efficiency in reform --Frederick W. Taylor

8 Want to bring order out of chaos --Creation of NCAA in 1906 Desire to make politics more democratic Desire to make businessmen more responsible for problems

9 Desire to make society more moral and more just Desire to distribute income more equitably Desire to broaden opportunities for individual advancement Women were active in progressivism --Suffragettes like Susan B. Anthony

10 Infiltrated both political parties -- Republican “insurgents” Middle-class reform movement Operated on all three levels of government


12 Tried to put more power into the hands of the people Innovative changes in city government --city managers and commission model The Direct Primary Initiative, Referendum and Recall The Secret Ballot Direct Election of Senators and the Vote for Women

13 Child labor laws Ten-hour work days --The “Brandeis brief” --Muller v. Oregon (1908) --Bunting v. Oregon (1917) Prohibition initiatives Moral Purity campaigns --Mann Act (1910)


15 Minimum safety standards on the job Minimum standards for housing codes “City Beautification” movement Immigration Restriction Eugenics --Buck v. Bell (1927) Little Help for Blacks --NAACP (1909) -- “Birth of a Nation”

16 Progressive reliance on the law 16 th Amendment (1913)— federal income tax 17 th Amendment (1913)— direct election of senators 18 th Amendment (1919)— prohibition 19 th Amendment (1920)— vote for women

17 Great drive, energy and exciting personality TR’s interests and early years NYC police commissioner Spanish-American War experience -- “Rough Riders” Political Rise from NY Governor to Vice- President

18 McKinley’s assassination Offered energetic national leadership Cast every issue in moral and patriotic terms --The “Bully Pulpit” Master Politician Modest goals for his “accidental” presidency

19 TR’s attitude toward Big Business Wants to regulate in order to get businesses to act right The “Square Deal” (1902) Making an example of the Northern Securities Co. The Elkins Act (1903) and the Bureau of Corporations

20 More vigorous progressivism Hepburn Act (1906) Federal Meat Inspection Act (1906) Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) Conservation Policy --Preservation vs. Conservation

21 The Election of 1908 Taft’s political experience Taft’s weight Not a dynamic politician Never completely comfortable as President

22 Controversy over the Tariff More conservative than TR, but also more trust suits The “Ballinger- Pinchot” Affair Growing tension with Teddy Roosevelt

23 Growing split within the Republican Party Creation of the “Bull Moose” Party Progressive Party Platform: “New Nationalism” Democrats drafted Woodrow Wilson Results of the Election

24 Wilson’s early life and political career True progressive and dynamic speaker Sympathetic to small businessmen Could be a stubborn, moral crusader and ideologue

25 Wilson’s brand of progressivism Wants to recreate the “golden age” of small American businesses Wilson wants to open channels for free and fair competition Historic Jeffersonian approach to federal power

26 Underwood Tariff Act (1913) Federal Reserve Act (1913) Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914) Federal Trade Commission (1914)

27 Wilson was not a strong progressive when it came to social reform Congress takes over the progressive agenda Appointment of Brandeis to Supreme Court Examples of congressional progressive legislation after 1914 --Federal Highways Act (1916)

28 Progressive movement peaks by 1917 Success of the movement led to its decline Advent of World War I also hurt progressive activism Progressives themselves began to weary of their reform zeal—as did the nation as a whole Ironically, voter participation has steadily declined since the election of 1912

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