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How unhealthy eating habits contribute to Diseases Miriam Gardner Professor Queen Martin June 28, 2013.

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1 How unhealthy eating habits contribute to Diseases Miriam Gardner Professor Queen Martin June 28, 2013

2 Why Eat Healthy Healthy eating is associated with reduced risk for many disease including heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. Proper nutrition in children can lead into adulthood. Healthy eating is important in proper growth and development.

3 Define Unhealthy Unhealthy: not in a state of good or normal health; not conducive to good health; unhealthy. Providing empty calories— take away nutrients from the body and can leave one nutritional deficient. Eating foods that has very little or nutritional value. Unhealthy foods can include but not limited too: – Foods high in sodium – Hydrogenated fats – Sodas – Fatty foods

4 Defining Disease Disease: a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of the genetic or developmental errors, infection poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors; illness; sickness; aliment.

5 Diseases Related to Unhealthy Eating Diabetes Obesity Liver Disease Heart Disease Osteoarthritis Certain Types of Cancer

6 Risk of Unhealthy Eating Chronic disease such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer, as well as adverse health conditions such as obesity are preventable but unhealthy eating contribute to these conditions. Individuals become increasingly reliant on meals and snacks that are characterized by a disproportionately high percentage of saturated fats, salt, and sugar, the association between unhealthy eating behavior and ensuring health problems become more concerning.

7 Risk of Unhealthy Eating Many advantages of eating, poor dietary habits are common and trends such as risking obesity suggest that their prevalence is increasing.

8 Statics of Unhealthy Eating More than 60% of young people eat too much fat, and less than 20% eat the recommended five or more servings of fruits and vegetable each day. Empty calories from added sugars and solid fats contribute to 40% of daily calories. Chronic disease account for 7 of every 10 U.S. deaths and for more than 60% medical care expenditures. Physical inactivity and unhealthy eating contributes to obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes; these two behaviors are responsible 300,000 deaths each year.

9 Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes – Known as Juvenile Diabetes that is diagnosed in young children and young adults which the body does not produce insulin. Type 2 Diabetes – Most common form where the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) – Happens in pregnant women in he body is not able to make and use the all the insulin it needs for pregnancy.

10 Type 2 Diabetes: Unhealthy Eating Eating more calories than the body needs: – Leads to weight gain and overweight---leading preventable cause of Type 2 Diabetes. Over consuming in calories, the body must produce enough insulin to handle the excess glucose

11 Diabetes: Food Choices

12 Obesity Obesity does not happen overnight, it gradually comes from improper eating habits. Not only is obese is obese but can develop into potentially life-threatening diseases: – Type 2 diabetes – Heart disease – Cancer (breast cancer and colon cancer) – Stroke

13 Childhood Obesity: Unhealthy Eating Overweight is the most widespread health threat facing children and adolescents in the United States. Childhood obesity is a preventable nutritional disorder of the twenty-first century in the United States. The availability to choose items such as soft drinks and fast food and numerous of vending machines has become the accepted behavior of today’s culture.

14 Obesity: Unhealthy Eating Selection of unhealthy eating include: – High consumption of processed or fast foods (usually high in fat) – No intake of fruit or vegetables – Drinking heavily with alcohol – Eating larger portions than you need – Comfort eating

15 Liver Disease A healthy diet helps the liver to do its functions well and keep it functioning for a long time. Importance of liver: – Second largest organ in the body – It processes what you eat and drink into energy and nutrients your body can use. – Removes harmful substances from your blood.

16 Liver Disease: Unhealthy Eating Unhealthy diet can lead to liver disease can make the liver work very hard and cause more damage.

17 Understanding Terms To Avoid Unhealthy Eating Cholesterol – A waxy substance that builds up in the bloodstream and block arteries, that can result in heart attack or stroke – Diet that high in fat raises cholesterol levels Fats – Unsaturated fats: olive or vegetable oil, are better – Saturated fats: meats, eggs, poultry and dairy products: not heart healthy and should be eaten in moderation – Trans fats: unhealthy, lower “good” cholesterol and raise total cholesterol

18 Understanding Terms To Avoid Unhealthy Eating Sodium – Can raise blood pressure which is the leading risk factors for having a heart attack or stroke. Limit canned or processed foods. Calories – Diets high in calories can lead to obesity and even heart disease. Grains – A diet consisting of highly processed and refined grains do not contain the beneficial dietary fiber.

19 Ways to Avoid Unhealthy Eating Read Nutrition Labels – Understanding food labels will help to avoid choices with worst ingredients. – Limiting exposure to unhealthy foods is able to reduce the risk of serious health problems. Focus on following “MyPlate” Portion Distortion Plan Meals

20 Reading Nutrition Labels

21 MyPlate

22 Unhealthy Eating: Summary Unhealthy eating is something many of us do and an activity that we learned from parents and therefore can be un-learned to. Proper nutrition education and gradually cutting back on unhealthy foods can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Promoting and encouraging healthy eating can create an environment that supports certain behavior that are essential to reducing the high risk of chronic diseases.

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