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Directorate of Learning Resources Steve Burholt (eLearning Systems Developer) Rowena Rouse (Library IT Developer) Richard Francis (Head of eLearning) Jan.

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Presentation on theme: "Directorate of Learning Resources Steve Burholt (eLearning Systems Developer) Rowena Rouse (Library IT Developer) Richard Francis (Head of eLearning) Jan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directorate of Learning Resources Steve Burholt (eLearning Systems Developer) Rowena Rouse (Library IT Developer) Richard Francis (Head of eLearning) Jan Haines (Head of Library Services)

2 Directorate of Learning Resources Showcasing your and your departments research? Increasing citations in preparation for REF? Finding colleagues with similar research interests? Identifying partners for funding bids? Linking teaching and research? Improving student access to resources? Developing flexible, re-usable teaching resources? Showcasing course materials for recruitment? Disseminating best practice (e.g. in learner experience research and e-learning)? Saving time and avoiding duplication in course development? Ensuring resources are current and consistent across courses? Sharing resources in open educational archives? Whats on your radar?

3 Directorate of Learning Resources Started life in 2007 as the CIRCLE project, funded by JISC as part of a £14m national programme to develop repositories in Higher Education The RADAR project continues that work, using Equella software Collaboration between Media Workshop, Library and Schools Background to the RADAR project

4 Directorate of Learning Resources What is radar? Research Archive and Digital Assets Repository

5 Directorate of Learning Resources Radar demo What is radar?

6 Directorate of Learning Resources What does it do?

7 Directorate of Learning Resources Brookes research archive

8 Directorate of Learning Resources Learning materials

9 Brookes Virtual Staff profiles Academics / Researchers at Brookes – outputs: publications, theses, books, conference papers, exhibitions, installations Schools Research Administrators Performance metrics RBDO REF April 2009 Directorate of Learning Resources radar – research archive and digital asset repository..showcasing Brookes research and managing online teaching materials

10 Directorate of Learning Resources Pilot groups Research School of Technology research outputs JISC Learner experience project outputs Pedagogic research collection Images Bob Pomfrets cartoons Media Workshop archive of Brookes photos Primate conservation image collection (400+) Video Graphics Workshop video streams Documents Business School School of Health and Social Care – distance learning

11 Directorate of Learning Resources Radar and the VLE

12 Directorate of Learning Resources Radar and the VLE

13 Directorate of Learning Resources VLE PowerLink Demo Radar and the VLE

14 Directorate of Learning Resources How do you set up a collection in RADAR?

15 Directorate of Learning Resources 1: Find the materials! Research skills collections Research papers Photos Self-contained learning activities Videos Multiple-choice question banks Case studies

16 Directorate of Learning Resources 2: Decide how to catalogue the objects Title Description Keywords File format School Used on which module?

17 Directorate of Learning Resources 2: Decide how to catalogue the objects Title Description Keywords File format School Used on which module?

18 Directorate of Learning Resources 2: Decide how to catalogue the objects Title Description Keywords File format School Used on which module? Dublin Core International standard

19 Directorate of Learning Resources 3: Design the input screens

20 Directorate of Learning Resources 4: Display the data

21 Directorate of Learning Resources Keep track of documents and versions Online teaching materials will be catalogued, therefore easier to find and share What are the advantages of using radar?

22 Directorate of Learning Resources Keep track of documents and versions Online teaching materials will be catalogued, therefore easier to find and share Allows Schools to have public collections to showcase resources Brings together research and learning materials (papers, videos, datasets) What are the advantages of using radar?

23 Directorate of Learning Resources What next? Pilot groups upload collections RADAR show and tell sessions Testing of RADAR / VLE link Integration with Brookes authentication system RADAR launch - 16 October 2009

24 Directorate of Learning Resources

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