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FOUNDATION « GENEVA PRIZE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN PSYCHIATRY » The Foundation seeks to increase knowledge about mental illness, to reduce discrimination against.

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2 FOUNDATION « GENEVA PRIZE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN PSYCHIATRY » The Foundation seeks to increase knowledge about mental illness, to reduce discrimination against those suffering from it and to promote fair and ethical treatment in the health care system. The Foundation has created an award rewarding individuals, associations as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations that have excelled in their application of principles of human rights and ethics in psychiatry.

3 FOUNDATION « GENEVA PRIZE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN PYCHIATRY » The Jury Mrs Ruth Dreifuss, Federal Councillor, former President of the Swiss Confederation (President of the jury) Mrs Ruth Dreifuss, Federal Councillor, former President of the Swiss Confederation (President of the jury) Mr Nicolas Bideau, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Bern, Switzerland Mr Nicolas Bideau, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Bern, Switzerland Professor Pier Maria Furlan, Head of the Department of Psychiatry of Turin University, Italy Professor Pier Maria Furlan, Head of the Department of Psychiatry of Turin University, Italy Professor Robert Roth, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva, Switzerland Professor Robert Roth, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva, Switzerland Professor Olivier Guillod, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences, Neuchâtel, Switzerland Professor Olivier Guillod, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

4 The Jury has awarded the 2005 Prize to Dr Jorge Luis Pellegrini, San Luis, Argentina The Jury has awarded the 2005 Prize to Dr Jorge Luis Pellegrini, San Luis, Argentina and gave an honourable mention to 1. The Association for Suppport of Childhood in Distress, for their « Marcela Programme » in Albania 2. Grégoire Ahongbonon, in Ivory Coast 3. The Schizophrenia Research Foundation (SCARF) in India


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