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Improving Grades at AS and A2 Geology I.G. Kenyon.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Grades at AS and A2 Geology I.G. Kenyon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Grades at AS and A2 Geology I.G. Kenyon

2 Marks are lost due to: Poor organisation and ineffective learning during the AS and A2 courses Inadequate preparation Poor exam technique

3 Geology is a cumulative learning experience All parts of the course are inter- related Everything learned at AS is useful at A2 Understanding rather than rote learning is needed

4 Learning the following will always prove very useful Rock Classification Fossil Morphologies The Stratigraphical Column Appropriate Case Studies

5 Issue students with a copy of the specification at the start of the course Students should highlight columns 1 and 2 under key ideas as they are covered All bullet points should have been highlighted by the end of the courses at AS and A2 This is a useful check for students if they have missed any lessons

6 Encourage students to keep up to date with the latest geological developments An excellent website with a weekly newsletter is

7 Encourage students to number every single piece of paper in chronological order Class notes, handouts and internet printouts should be numbered File notes away under topic headings on a weekly basis Only carry notes for the last two weeks- keep everything else safely filed away at home

8 Encourage students to invest in a ‘flash pen’ USB device with storage of 128/256 megs or more Use it to copy PowerPoints and other resources from the Intranet Transferring work between home and school/college is very easy

9 Vary the task setting Get students to produce PowerPoints as a break from structured questions and essays from past exam papers Just 6 to 8 slides which they have to present to the class From experience this is ahighly motivating exercise

10 Use Geology as a vehicle for promoting the appropriate use of IT Simple example of a task: Give each student a mineral from the specification To produce a PowerPoint presentation of 6 to 10 slides

11 Include the following: Chemical formula All Physical Properties Diagnostic properties Minimum of 5 images Industrial Uses Major Producers

12 Get students to present their slideshows Award marks for geological content and delivery Two marks in your mark book with no marking outside class time!

13 Students should source their information correctly. Acknowledge websites where material has been taken from

14 Potential Powerpoint Assignments Each student has a different one Igneous Rocks Sedimentary Rocks Metamorphic Rocks Fossil Groups Geological Periods

15 Many students turn into headless chickens as soon as they open the examination papers The Exams

16 Common Weaknesses 1 Confusing ‘Describe’ with ‘Explain’ Misunderstanding of ‘Assess’, ‘Outline’, ‘Account’, ‘Compare’, ‘Contrast’, ‘Suggest’, ‘State’, ‘Name’, ‘Label’, ‘Identify’ and ‘Evaluate’

17 Common Weaknesses 2 Misunderstanding of key geological vocabulary Post-depositional, Rockhead, Texture, Trend, Superposition, Solid & Drift, Outcrop, Throw, Strike, Geothermal Gradient

18 Ignoring words in bold face Common Weaknesses 3

19 Common Weaknesses 4 Inability to use 4 and 6 figure grid references Confusion between Eastings and Northings Inability to use compass directions

20 Common Weaknesses 5 Missing out questions completely when no written answers are required. Marking features on maps and diagrams are the most common occurrence. About 10 – 15% of candidates do this on every examination paper

21 Common Weaknesses 6 Inability to plan their time effectively in the examination Students often run out of time and leave some questions unanswered or only partially answered GL4 – last part of the mapwork section GL5 – essay on the second modular option

22 Common Weaknesses 7 Students refuse to, or leave insufficient time to read their answers through Results in careless errors, marks thrown away and howlers Possible cause of a mass extinction ‘The earth was hit by a giant ammonite’ Methods of coal mining essay ‘technology and transport has improved so much in recent years that the coal mines are now located away from the coalfields’

23 Common Weaknesses 8 Inability to follow instructions Answer requires both map evidence and knowledge Credit only for geological hazards Must be based on UCM in grid square 8553 Candidate must ASSESS the hazards slight – severe Candidate should make a decision Yes OK but …. No because……

24 Common Weaknesses 9 Inability to locate case studies accurately ‘There was a terrible earthquake somewhere in the Middle East sometime last year which did lots of damage and killed loads of people’ ‘Mount St. Helens erupted fairly recently over in America and caused lots of suffering to people, wildlife and the environment in general’

25 Common Weaknesses 10 Inability to make appropriate use of annotated sketches and diagrams Sketches often very poor quality Labels used rather than annotations Absence of scale Generalised diagrams rather than examples from fieldwork

26 Common Weaknesses 11 Inability to link length of response to marks available 1 idea or fact needed for each mark available A 4 mark question may have 8 or more creditworthy ideas on the mark scheme A less than perfect answer can score maximum marks 4-6 mark question answers often have responses which are far too brief

27 The End

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