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What are human rights?. Lesson Aims To understand the rights and responsibilities underpinning a democratic society. To be able to make reference to the.

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Presentation on theme: "What are human rights?. Lesson Aims To understand the rights and responsibilities underpinning a democratic society. To be able to make reference to the."— Presentation transcript:

1 What are human rights?

2 Lesson Aims To understand the rights and responsibilities underpinning a democratic society. To be able to make reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Lesson Outcomes To work in a group discussing and deciding upon a list of essential human rights.

3 Human Rights3 rd November Since the end of WW2 people have been concerned about human rights. During the war many people were treated badly because of their race, religion, or because they were prisoners of war. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) was drawn up by world leaders who wanted to prevent such terrible things happening to people again.


5 ‘ Esperanza’ the Island of Hope

6 Basic needs and rights on ‘Esperanza’ Who will make the decisions? Who will work? Will there be formal education? Will there be a system of justice?

7 Basic needs and rights on ‘Esperanza’ List a minimum of 12 basic rights, responsibilities and freedoms that all citizens of the islands should enjoy. Rank them in an agreed order of importance. Then write out the group’s Charter of Human Rights into neat.

8 Class Charter of Human Rights

9 What about the UDHR? What rights have the UN listed that we have not? What rights have we listed that the UN have not?

10 Homework To be handed in next lesson (Friday 10 November) Go to the website 1.Explain what the award is 2.Give the details of 2 current awardees

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