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My Name is Mr Ronald Reno Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from IUP AA in Business WCCC AAS Accounting WCCC Masters +15credits Past Experiences.

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3 My Name is Mr Ronald Reno Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from IUP AA in Business WCCC AAS Accounting WCCC Masters +15credits Past Experiences Honorable Discharge Army SSgt. Coal Miner Steel Hauler Currently in my 20th year of teaching 4 th grade at Baggaley Contact Information: Email Phone – (724)539-4531 Available between 11:25 and 12:00 / 3:45 and 4:15

4 In 4 th grade, we have three simple rules: -Respect others -Take responsibility for your actions -Take pride in all that you do We believe that if students maintain these three guiding phrases, we will create a positive environment in which to learn. Each 4 th grader, along with his or her parents, signed a contract to show understanding of, and agreement with, our rules and their consequences.

5 In addition to having rules in place, we have created a positive behavior reward system. Each student in 4 th grade has received a “Positive Paws” punch card. Teachers can award a punch for exceptional displays of respect, pride, responsibility, kindness, and cooperation. Full punch cards are placed into a drawing, and each month a winner is chosen. The winner receives a Barnes & Noble gift card. Think Positive

6 A year of transition... Fourth grade is a year of great transition. Students, for the first time, have different teachers for different subject areas. They are now a part of the “intermediate” grades, and will face high expectations. During the first quarter especially, many parents observe their child working harder at homework, spending more time preparing for tests, and encountering more challenging academic material. Please know that this is normal. As teachers, we are doing our job to prepare your student for success, and this means holding each of them to a high standard for organization, responsibility, and effort. Your support is important as students learn what is expected in the upper elementary grades, and how to be more independent learners and workers.

7 Parents & Teachers are partners in a child’s education! Home/School Connections: Take home folder Homework assignment book Monthly newsletters Remind 101 Teacher websites Email (NEW WEBSITE:

8 Teacher Websites 1)Select a school (Baggaley) 2)Click “Teachers” 3)Choose a teacher page Includes teacher lesson plans and learning objectives Displays teacher contact information Links of interest

9 Think Central Your online resource for math & reading Electronic versions of student textbooks and workbooks Audio reader to read aloud to your child Animated math models Access to printable homework pages

10 New to Baggaley... New principal - Miss Kim Hrezo Miss Sias is now Mrs. Ulishney Miss Wisyanski new to Fourth Grade Team New guidance counselor - Mrs. Theresa Novotney Our new website is Baggaley is now a schoolwide Title I building Deadline for parent volunteer clearances (Sept. 30) Transition to the PA Core Standards

11 Language Arts Teachers – Mrs. Frescura & Miss Wisyanski Students will utilize a binder for organization and weekly lesson packets in place of workbooks is our online reading Reading tests will be given bi-weekly (see schedule) Homework will be daily and will ALMOST always be based on the following schedule: Monday – spelling page Tuesday – vocabulary page / read “paired selection” Wednesday – grammar page Thursday – skill page / study Friday – none (spelling lists will be available for the coming week) Expectations (writing conventions, homework, testing)

12 Math Mr Reno Mrs Ulishney PA is transitioning to the PA Core Standards --> Shift in instructional focus GO MATH! focus areas must be supplemented to address PSSA eligible content Targeted Areas of Instruction: Numbers & Operations Measurement Geometry Algebraic Concepts Data Analysis & Probability Think Central Expectations (math facts, homework, showing work on assignments/tests )

13 Science Mrs Ulishney Units of study: scientific process, animal studies, space, electricity, weather, land & water PSSA Very academic—Science is a letter grade! Expectations: Content—lots of nonfiction reading Assessments—a lot of content Homework—Will have homework many evenings Projects—Following directions imperative Test/quiz corrections are an opportunity to ease the transition to Science as a letter grade Test/Quiz corrections—1/2 credit back for corrected answers, MUST BE RETURNED THE NEXT DAY, students must choose to do them—no teacher prompting to do/hand in

14 Social Studies All -Units of study: Map skills review Government States & Regions -Expectations (homework, projects, assessments)

15 Thank you for attending! Together we will have successful and productive year!

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