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A time of change.  1: Protecting social welfare  YMCA (young men’s Christian association)  Salvation army  Better working conditions  2: Promoting.

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Presentation on theme: "A time of change.  1: Protecting social welfare  YMCA (young men’s Christian association)  Salvation army  Better working conditions  2: Promoting."— Presentation transcript:

1 A time of change

2  1: Protecting social welfare  YMCA (young men’s Christian association)  Salvation army  Better working conditions  2: Promoting Moral Improvement  Prohibition  WCTU (Women's Christian Temperance Union)

3  3: Creating Economic Reform  Muckrakers- journalists for reform  Trust-busting  In some extreme cases socialism (Debbs)  4: Fostering Efficiency  Taylorism—scientific management –break down to simple tasks  Assembly lines  Fordism- 5 dollars a day helps economy

4  Natural disasters reform government  Mayors- public utilities like gas, electricity and open forums for citizens  -Tom Johnson of Cleveland  Governor reforms-  Robert La. Follette “fighting bob” work on railroad

5  Child Labor pg. 311 is it fair?

6  Initiative- public placed bill on election  Referendum- a vote on an initiative  Recall- if you do not like the politician you can vote to kick them out

7  Women could go to college but are still expected to fulfill traditional roles  Suffrage movement led by Susan B Anthony  Three part strategy  Petitioned congress for voting rights  Court cases to test the system of 14 th amendment  Pushed for an amendment (19th in 1920)

8  The key for the progressive reform came from President Theodore Roosevelt  Life:  Suffered from Asthma  From a wealthy family in New York  Teddy Bear  Rough Riders  He was never really expected to be a president after McKinley

9  The effect of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair  “there would be meat that had tumbled out on the floor, in the dirt and sawdust, where the workers had tramped and spit uncounted billions of consumption germs. There would be meat stored in great piles in rooms;.. And thousands of rats would race about on it... A man could run his hand over these piles of meat and sweep off handfuls of the dried dung of rats. These rats were nuisances, and the packers would put poisoned bread out for them; they would die, and then rats, bread, and meat would go into the hoppers together”

10  Teddy felt that the presidential office should be used as a bully pulpit where he would be able to influence media to make changes  Wanted to offer each American a square deal  Trustbusting: Using the Sherman Anti-Trust Act in 1902 Teddy set out to expand the role of president and break up monopolies

11  Northern Securities Company is sued by government for violating Sherman Anti-Trust Act and loses. Is forced to break up control of the Railroad  Coal Strike of 1902- Brings them to the White House and demands a stop. Compromises

12  Meat Inspection Act of 1906  Grades of meat and inspection before consumption  Pure Food and Drug Act 1906  Before this act drugs claimed to cure cancer, grow hair, and contained products like Cocaine, Alcohol, and Opium  Truth labels were placed on medications as a safety for the public

13  Prior to Teddy most presidents allowed Americans to do what they willed with the environment.  No replanting of trees, overgrazed prairie, mines and factories dump waste etc.  Conservation:  148 million acres set aside as protected reserves  Creates a US forest service to monitor development of natural resources  Used “experts”  Compromise with naturalists

14  Failed to offer the same support to Africans that he gave to the environment and other movements.  Befriends Booker T. Washington  Makes an enemy of W. E. B. Du Bois  Forms the NAACP to support equality

15  “Vote for Taft this time you can vote for Bryan anytime”  Won the election of 1908 after being handpicked by Teddy

16  Was not able to continue the progressive movement with the zeal of Teddy  Betrays his party with the Payne Aldrich Tariff which led to increased tariffs.  This led to an increased  Gives away more than a million acres of land for public use

17  Teddy returns from Africa in 1910 and decided to run for the presidency in 1912.  Republicans fought over who should be their representatives so the Bull Moose Party is created  Split vote leads to the election of Democrat Woodrow Wilson, the first Democrat in 18 years.

18  Now is your chance to become a muckraker.  Although many progressive reforms have been put in place and made laws to protect our rights there are many injustices in the world today. If you were a writer and needed to send the president a message about one reform needed today what would it be.  Write the intro paragraph to an essay that would persuade the president to pass your particular reform over any other.

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