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Presentation on theme: "INFECTION CONTROL AND ANTT"— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRAVENOUS THERAPY IV Devices are indispensable
Over 60% of patients receive therapy via an IV device IV Devices are used to administer fluids, blood products, medication and nutritional support. Also used to monitor critically ill patients and to obtain blood specimens

3 What are the infection risks associated with IV devices?
Any breach in integrity of the skin allows access of pathogens Poor site decontamination prior to line insertion Duration of insertion process Repeated catheterisation Experience of personnel inserting device Duration of IV device Type of dressing Poor hygiene during line handling Hub cap contamination Age and medical condition (ITU etc)

4 What type of infections do IV catheters cause?
Infection at the insertion site (phlebitis) Associated more with peripheral IV catheters Can lead to BSI Caused by mechanical or chemical irritation of the vein Increased risk with poor skin prep, poor insertion technique, and large device Bloodstream infection (BSI)/ Bacteraemia: IV catheters are the source of around 48% of all BSI Associated with central venous catheters but can be caused by peripheral catheters Increased risk with increased morbidity BSI associated with a case fatality rate of 20% (in the critically ill this rises to 35%) Bacteria introduced by IV catheters may lodge into other tissues and cause secondary endocarditis or osteomyelitis

5 Common Organisms responsible for IV device- related infection:
Staphylococcus epidermidis Staphylococcus aureus Enterococcus Klebsiella Pseudomonas Escherichia coli Candida



8 How do you reduce the risk of Infection?
ANTT Appropriate dressing Appropriate line care Appropriate hand decontamination decontaminate hands before & after palpating, inserting, replacing or dressing any IV device (HICPAC 1996: CATEGORY 1A) - five moments for hand hygiene

9 Your 5 moments for hand hygiene
at the point of care* *Adapted from the WHO Alliance for Patient Safety 2006

10 Aseptic Non Touch Technique
ANNT 10 10

11 What is ANTT? ANTT is two things:
A set of clinical guidelines aimed at improving and standardising aseptic practice for common clinical procedures. A method of implementing an aseptic standard which establishes clinical compliance in large staff groups. NB: ANTT complies with ICNA (Infection Control Nurses Association), RCN (Royal College of Nursing), and EPIC2 and DOH guidance. It is the recommended aseptic technique of EPIC 2. 11 11

12 12

13 Don’t leave key-parts unprotected and exposed
Key-parts should always be protected 13 13

14 References/further info..
ANTT Saving Lives DOH 2007 ORH intranet (Local IC policies) EPIC2 Guidelines Health Protection Agency website Department of Health website


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