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Chapter 4 Careers In Art. The Importance of Art What would your life be like if there was not any art? How would it be different? Write your response.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4 Careers In Art. The Importance of Art What would your life be like if there was not any art? How would it be different? Write your response."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4 Careers In Art

2 The Importance of Art What would your life be like if there was not any art? How would it be different? Write your response. List 5 ways that art impacts your daily life 1 2 3 4 5

3 Careers in art Now is an exciting time to consider a career in the visual arts. There are many possibilities from which to choose. Every year more challenging and rewarding positions are becoming available in art- related careers.

4 Art School In the distant past, a young person who wanted to be an artist would pay a master artist for permission to work as an apprentice in the master’s studio. The apprentice learned as they observed and assisted the master Today schools offer art class (high school and college)

5 Business & Industry

6 Graphic Designer: The early Christian monks who illustrated religious writings were artists. After the printing press in the 15 th century, crafts people who designed type and illustrations were what we now call graphic artists.

7 Advertising Art:

8 Publishing & Illustration:

9 Film & Video Graphics:

10 Industrial Designers:

11 Fashion Designer:

12 Photographer:

13 Environmental Planning & Development

14 Architecture:

15 First environmental designers The first environmental designers were the prehistoric cave dwellers who eventually moved out of the caves and into the countryside. They learned to build huts for protection and became the first architects


17 City Planning:

18 Landscape Architecture:

19 Interior Design:

20 Entertainment

21 The entertainment industry provides opportunities for artists with a wide range of skills. Motion pictures, TV shows, stage plays, and dance performances all use designers and artists to create the magic we see

22 Animation:

23 Special Effects:

24 Art Direction For Performing Arts:

25 Education & Cultural Enrichment

26 Art Education & Art Therapy:

27 Fine Arts & Crafts:

28 Imagine you could design your own theme restaurant. What would the theme be? What is the name of your restaurant? Describe the setting to me: How does the outside look? The inside? What type of food would be on the menu? How would the wait staff dress? What is the mood of the restaurant? What type of music would guests hear while they were dining?

29 Being A Designer Imagine if you can redesign the school cafeteria. What would the interior look like? Colors, decorations, etc. What does it look like outside your redesigned cafeteria? What kind of chairs, tables/ What types of food would be served? Music? Theme? Write your response in paragraph form Intro-body-closure

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