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You’re on Your Way! 2011-2012 Senior Year Information.

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2 You’re on Your Way! 2011-2012 Senior Year Information

3 Your “To Do” List: 2-4  Keep track of college deadlines  Work on applications & essays  Request letters of recommendations  Register to take/retake SAT/ACT  College placement tests (2-year college)  Check on H.S.transcripts  Research scholarships  Attend financial aid events  Submit Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon after January 1 st as possible

4 Your “To Do” List: Military  Meet with military reps  Ask questions  Be aware of physical/mental conditions  Take ASVAB (Nov 9-sign up!) 

5 Your “To Do” List: Employment  Register with Career Link   Résumé  Job Search Skills  Interview Skills

6 College/Military Representatives  Sign up in the Student Services Center the day before  Must sign up in person  Check with your teacher first!  Must be passing  Be prepared to ask questions  BE COURTEOUS!

7 Coming to Coudersport…  Westminster  Lock Haven  Mansfield  Clarion  California  UPB – 9/15  JCC  Alfred University  Bloomsburg-9/14  Houghton – 9/22  St. Bonas- 10/7  Penn Tech  Arnot School of Nursing -10/3  IUP -11/16  Lycoming-10/25  Thiel  Edinboro  Juniata  Penn State  Gannon  Washington & Jefferson-9/23  Alfred State-11/2

8 Today: Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology Lancaster, PA  Associate Degrees  Architecture Technology  Automotive  Business Administration  Cabinetmaking  Carpentry  Collision Repair  CAD  Electrical  Electronics Tech  Graphic Communication & Printing Tech.  HVAC  Machine Tool & Computer Aided Manu.  Masonry  Mechanical Engineer. Tech  Metals Fab.

9 Visiting a college  Schedule the visit with the schools admissions office two weeks prior  Visitation Form in the Student Services Center Visitation Form  Submit form ten days before visit  The Student Services Center will call to confirm your appointment  Form will go to the principal for approval  Responsible for all school work

10 APPLICATIONS  Can begin applying now  Applications are available from: –College website –Admissions office –Student Services –College representative

11 TRANSCRIPTS  Online application: fill out the transcript request formtranscript request form  Paper application: bring completed application in and fill out transcript request formtranscript request form  Transcripts/applications with deadline: 10 days before  Transcripts/applications with no deadline: will be mailed within 7 days.

12 SCHOLARSHIPS  Student Services Center web page  Announcement  Internet (ex. )  Colleges/universities  Scholarship books in Student Services Center  Scholarship Workshop (sign up)

13 NCAA  NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse  Student Release Form (SRF)  $60.00 fee ($?)  Test scores must be reported to the eligibility center directly from ACT or SAT.

14  Planning for College calendar  School Guide-on-line  How to Get Good Grades in College   The Admissions Essay  A Student’s Guide to Financial Aid  Career books  4-year and 2-year colleges  Technical schools  Financial Aid books  Interest inventories Student Services Center

15 SAT Oct 1Nov 5Dec 3Jan 28Mar 10May 5June 2 Reg. Deadline Sept 9Oct 7Nov 8Dec 30Feb 10April 6May 8 Coudy. 39216 Olean 33730 Brad. 39158 Mans. 39398 High School Code: 390880 $49

16 ACT Sept 10Oct 22Dec 10Feb 12April 14 June 9 Reg. Deadline Aug 12Sept 16Nov 4Jan 13March 9May 4 Coudy. 156020 Olean 199500 Mans. 208570 High School Code: 390880 $33 / $48 (PW)

17 ASVAB  November 9, 2011  Sign up in Student Services  Study Guides

18 SELECTIVE SERVICE It’s the law!   18-year old male  A citizen of the United States  Stay qualified for: –Federal Student Loans and Grants –State Student Aid –Job Training Benefits –Federal Jobs

19 FINANCIAL AID WORKSHOP  November???  FAFSA-Free Application for Federal Student Aid (available in late December)  PIN number: –Student –Parent

20 ALFRED STATE COLLEGE VISIT October 13 th  Agriculture  HVAC  Architecture Tech  Automotive  Building Trades  Business  CAD/CAM  Computer Engineering  Computer Art & Design  Construction Mgmt.  Interior Design  Landscaping  Surveying  Vet. Technology  Culinary Arts  Drafting/CAD  E-commerce  Electrical Engineering Tech.  Health Info/Med. Records  Human Services  Information Tech.  Machine Tool  Mech. Engineering  Medical Transcription  Motor sports Tech  Robotics  Welding

21 SENIOR INTERVIEWS  Review graduation requirements  Review future plans

22 RESUMÉ  Student activities  Community activities  Volunteer experience  Work Experience  Self-evaluation  Interests and hobbies  Recommendations

23 Thank you Stop by if you have questions or email me ( enjoy your senior year!

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