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Successful online courses have…... Seven Principles for Good Practice Chickering, A. W. and Gamson, Z. F. (1987). "Seven Principles for Good Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Successful online courses have…... Seven Principles for Good Practice Chickering, A. W. and Gamson, Z. F. (1987). "Seven Principles for Good Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful online courses have…..

2 Seven Principles for Good Practice Chickering, A. W. and Gamson, Z. F. (1987). "Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education." AAHE Bulletin March 1987: 3-7.

3 1. Good Practice Encourages Student-Tutor Contact increasing access to staff providing additional opportunities for interaction outside class opening up complex or difficult issues providing clear guidelines for interaction with online students. Example

4 2. Good Practice Encourages Cooperation Among Students Well-designed discussion assignments facilitate meaningful cooperation among students. From participation to collaboration Relevant vs broad groupings Example

5 3. Good Practice Encourages Active Learning Learning by doing through simulations Conducting investigations using electronic resources Presenting student projects online Example

6 4. Good Practice Gives Prompt Feedback Email personal feedback Marking tools Self- assessment Peer assessment Information feedback and acknowledgment feedback Example

7 5. Good Practice Emphasises Time on Task Efficient, effective learning Flexibility around busy work and home lives Access to important resources Online courses need deadlines. Example

8 6. Good Practice Communicates High Expectations Challenging tasks Clearly articulated and/or negotiated criteria Publication on the web Praise for quality work communicates high expectations. Example

9 7.Good Practice Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning Different routes to learning Flexibility to accommodate all students Bringing diversity out into the open Allowing students to choose project topics incorporates diverse views into online courses. Example

10 has a clearly expressed rationale has a sound educational course design and engaging activities Is well aligned to the aims and objectives of the course gives prompt and regular feedback to students is well integrated into the course design and linked to assessment Successful online learning …

11 Learning online The environment makes some activities possible and constrains others, but does not change the fundamental process of human learning. Alexander and Boud (2001) Learners still learn from experience when online, in J. Stephenson (ed) Teaching and Learning Online. Kogan Page

12 Example: explicitness about student-tutor interactions

13 Moodle forums, Google docs, BlackBoard Collaborate, etc Example: PGCert Learning set seminars; learner generated curriculum, multiple communication channels

14 Example: Task briefs and assessment

15 Example: Assessment compact

16 Example: Peer review in a PGCert Virtual conference

17 Examples: Active learning 1

18 Examples: Active learning 2

19 Examples: Active learning 3 University of Nottingham School of Nursing Educational Technology Group (SONET)

20 Examples: Active learning 4 Middle East politics role play Compendium mind map,

21 Examples: prompt feedback

22 Examples: peer feedback

23 Example: time on task

24 Example: High expectations

25 Example: topic choice

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