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Drug dependence. Kinds of drug dependence  Psychological  Physical.

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1 Drug dependence

2 Kinds of drug dependence  Psychological  Physical

3 Common drugs of abuse  Alcohol (ethyl, liquor, drink, booze, sauce, hooch)  Amphethamines (speed, uppers, bennies)  Barbiturates (downers, goofballs)  Benzodiazepines (tranquilizers)  Cocaine (coke, crack, snow)  Heroin (horse, junk, smack, scag, H)  LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide, acid)  Marijuana (Cannabis, grass, pot, dope, weed, hash)  Nicotine

4 Alcohol (ethyl, liquor, drink, booze, sauce, hooch)  Drug category – CNS depressant; sedative  Short – term effects (in moderate quantities it gives a feeling of relaxation and confidence, dilates small blood vessels, with increasing amounts concentration and judgments are progressively impaired)  Long term effects (liver diseases, coronary heart disease, high BP, strokes, peptic ulcers, dementia, depression, anxiety)  Signs of abuse: changes in drinking pattern, in drinking habits, personality changes, neglect of personal appearance, poor eating habits, memory “lapses” Physical symptoms include nausea, vomiting, shaking in the morning, abdominal pain, cramps, weakness in the legs and hands, face redness, incontinence.

5 Amphethamines (speed, uppers, bennies)  Drug category: CNS stimulant  Legitimate uses: appetite suppressants, for attention deficit disorders  Short – term effects: mental alertness, physical energy (in small doses), tremor, sweating, anxiety,headache, palpitation (at high doses) delusions, seizures, coma (very large doses).  Long – term effects: weight loss, constipation, severe depression, suicide, heart failure, reduced resistance to infections  Signs of abuse: restlessness, agitation, lack of interest in food, unusual sleeping patterns

6 Barbiturates (downers, goofballs)  Drug category: CNS depressant, sedative  Legitimate uses: sleeping drugs, epilepsy treatment  Short – term effects: relaxation, impaired coordination, slurred speech, confusion, coma, death  Long – term effects: irritability, nightmares, nausea, vomiting, weakness, tremor, chest infections  Signs of abuse: memory “lapses”, neglect of personal appearance, personality changes, episodes of severe depression  High doses taken with alcohol can lead to a fatal coma

7 Benzodiazepines (tranquilizers)  Drug category: CNS depressants  Legitimate uses: for short – term treatment of anxiety, for relief of sleeplessness, in anesthesia, management of alcohol withdrawal, control of seizures, relief of muscle spasms  Short – term effects: reduce mental activity and anxiety, slow body’s reaction, induce sleep  Long – term effects: they loose their sedative effect with long – term use  Withdrawal symptoms: anxiety, panic attacks, palpitations, shaking, insomnia, headaches, dizziness, aches and pains, nausea, loss of appetite, clumsiness

8 Cocaine (coke, crack, snow)  Drug category: CNS stimulant, local anesthetic  Legitimate uses: for topical anesthesia in the mouth and throat prior top minor surgery  Short – term effects: it overcomes fatigue, appetite is reduced, produces feelings of well – being, increases heart rate and BP.  Long – term effects: restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, weight loss, paranoia, psychosis  Signs of abuse: disturbed eating and sleeping patterns, agitation, mood swings, aggressive behavior, suspiciousness of other people  Psychologic dependence may occur after the first use

9 Heroin (horse, junk, smack, scag, H)  Drug category: CNS depressant  Legitimate uses: exclusively for the management of severe forms of pain  Short – term effects: a feeling of well being and contentment, pain is dulled  Long – term effects:constipation, reduced sexual drive, disruption of menstrual periods, poor eating habits.  Signs of abuse: apathy, neglect of personal appearance and hygiene, loss of appetite and weight, loss of interest in former hobbies and social activities, personal changes.

10 LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide, acid)  Drug category: Hallucinogen  Legitimate uses: can be used in psychotherapy  Short – term effects: restlessness, dizziness, a feeling of coldness with shivering, uncontrollable desire to laugh, distortions in perception of sound and vision.  Long – term effects: mental disturbances and severe depression.  Signs of abuse: overexcitement, confusion.

11 Marijuana (Cannabis, grass, pot, dope, weed, hash)  Drug category: CNS depressant, hallucinogen, anti - emetic  Legitimate uses: for the relief of nausea and vomiting caused by treatment with anticancer drugs.  Short – term effects: a feeling of relaxation, well- being, it increases talkativeness, appetite is usually increased  Long – term effects: increases the risk of lung diseases, it reduces fertility in both men and women.  Signs of abuse: unusual talkativeness, increased appetite.

12 Nicotine  Drug category: CNS stimulant  Short – term effects: it increases concentration, relieves tension and fatigue, increases in heart rate and blood pressure, it reduces in urine output.  Long – term effects: it cause a rise in fatty acids in the bloodstream, it increases the risk of heart diseases and stroke, peptic ulcers, it may cause chronic lung diseases and cancer  Signs of abuse: yellow, tobacco – stained fingers and teeth and bad breath

13 Interventions for substance related disorders  Hospitalization  Pharmacotherapy  Individual therapy  Group therapy  Self – help groups (Alcoholics Anonymous, Alanon, Alateen)  Employee assistance programs  Family therapy


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