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New York City quiz.

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Presentation on theme: "New York City quiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 New York City quiz

2 QUIZ Have a look at the pictures and answer the questions.
Write your answers on a piece of paper.

3 1. What is the Statue of Liberty holding in her hands?

4 2. Which boroughs does the suspension bridge connect?

5 3. Which famous skyscraper can you find on Fifth Avenue?

6 4. What can‘t you see from its top any more?

7 5. Which sad date is this building associated with?

8 6. Which newspaper gave name to this square?

9 7. What is the name of the street famous for theatres, cinemas or concert halls?

10 8. Where are the people spending the afternoon?

11 QUIZ Now you can check your answers.

12 Right hand: a torch Left hand: a tablet with 4th July 1776

13 1. What is the Statue of Liberty holding in her hands?

14 2. Which boroughs does the suspension bridge connect?

15 Brooklyn and Manhattan

16 3. Which famous skyscraper can you find on Fifth Avenue?

17 The Empire State Building

18 4. What can‘t you see from its top any more?

19 The Twin Towers (The WTC – World Trade Center)

20 5. Which sad date is this building associated with?

21 The Wall Street Crash of 1929

22 6. Which newspaper gave name to this square?

23 The New York Times

24 7. What is the name of the street famous for theatres, cinemas or concert halls?

25 Broadway

26 8. Where are the people spending the afternoon?

27 In Central Park (Manhattan)

28 Zdroje obrázků: vlastní foto

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