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Research Paper Learning the process of research is really important. The following slides contain information you need to know.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Paper Learning the process of research is really important. The following slides contain information you need to know."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Paper Learning the process of research is really important. The following slides contain information you need to know.

2 If I am researching the Statue of Liberty, information can only be found in books and sources titled The Statue of Liberty. NO! – Researchers need to be open-minded and creative; they need to “think outside the box”. Researching is like detective work, and you may really need to search for the information. This is also true with database sources. The computer can only look up what you type into the search bar. Students are too often used to instant results; good academic research takes time!

3 If I find a source that will be useful, I will only have to read the info once. NO!! – First of all, make sure you READ the info; don’t just skim. Work to understand the info, decide what is useful for you, and take clear and concise notes. Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing are the methods for note taking, and it is a good idea to create sections within your notes for each method. As your draft is taking shape, sometimes you need to re-visit sources for additional information.

4 If I find enough info in one source, I do not have to read anymore. NO!! – Why do you think it is called research?!?!? You search and then search some more. Some sources provide a lot of info while some provide only a little. It is important for the researcher to see the same info in a variety of sources—this verifies the accuracy of the information.

5 I cannot create a Works Cited page until the day before I hand the work in to the teacher. NO!!! – Word processing programs/technology have made preparing research papers easy in a way. When it comes to the WC page, you can (and should) begin typing your source info early and often. Follow the assigned format (in this case MLA) and be sure to save your drafts. Even your paper can begin to be drafted early in the process—why wait until the last minute? Flash drives are great for those working on typing both at home and in school.

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