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Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

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Presentation on theme: "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
Definition Cardiopulmonary Bypass Pulmonary support Cardiac support Outcomes International CCHMC

2 Indications Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
Persistent Pulmonary Hypertention of the Newborn Sepsis/pneumonia Respiratory Distress Syndrome Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Congenital Heart Disease

3 Criteria Weight greater than 1.8-2 kilograms
At least 34 weeks gestation Less than 7 days mechanical ventilation IVH less than grade II Failure of maximal medical management Potentially reversible lung disease

4 Personnel ECMO Team Hospital Services Attending Fellows
Patient care provider ECMO specialist ECMO primer Hospital Services Ultrasound Cardiology Nephrology Neurology Operating room staff

5 Circuit Layout

6 Process Cannula Placement ECMO flows Heparinization
Veno-arterial Veno-venous ECMO flows Heparinization Activated Clotting Time Blood Products Respiratory Support

7 ECMO Cart

8 Bladder Box

9 Cobe Pump

10 Membrane Oxygenator

11 Heat Exchanger

12 CDI

13 Roles Patient Care Provider ECMO Specialist ECMO Primer
RN who cares for the patient ECMO Specialist RN or RRT who has received special education Responsible for the ECMO machine and management ECMO Primer ECMO specialist who has received further training and is able to prepare the ECMO circuit

14 Before going on ECMO Draw labs - includes type and cross
Order blood products Obtain consent from family Prepare ECMO circuit (ECMO Primer) Draw up code drugs IV Access

15 During Cannulation Administer meds as ordered for pain/sedation/paralysis Monitor the patient as you would for any bedside surgical procedure Frequent vital signs - especially blood pressure (may need to give volume) Have access to a stable IV site. You will be asked to give the loading dose of Heparin at some point during the surgery. Obtain CXR once cannulas are placed

16 During Run Switch all IV drips to ECMO circuit CVC Care
Medication/blood product administration Double check everything with the ECMO specialist. Cannula site care. Done Q4hrs. Wash site with 1/2 strength H2O2, Apply betadine ointment Cover with sterile 4x3. Physical care of the patient Lab draws

17 Decannulation Obtain IV access if needed. Move all drips to the patient before clamping. Draw up code drugs Will continue the Heparin drip until the final decision has been made to decannulate. Obtain consent for decannulation. Give meds for pain/sedation/paralysis Usually continue Cannula site care for 24 hours after coming off ECMO

18 Emergency Care If the patient needs to be removed emergently from ECMO due to mechanical failure, there are several things you can do. You should have been shown how to take the patient off ECMO using V-B-A. Clamp the Venous cannula, open the Bridge, clamp the Arterial cannula. Call for assistance. Manage the patient, You will need to ventilate (increase vent support or handbag). Administer meds/fluids as needed. Have someone available to get needed supplies.

19 Complications Bleeding/Hemorrhage Reperfusion injuries
Inability to wean Mechanical failure Electrolyte Imbalance Edema Renal Failure Hypovolemia Hypertension

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