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Text Complexity and the Common Core Standards for Middle School ELA Waiver Day ~ November 8, 2011 Sherry Birchem.

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Presentation on theme: "Text Complexity and the Common Core Standards for Middle School ELA Waiver Day ~ November 8, 2011 Sherry Birchem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Text Complexity and the Common Core Standards for Middle School ELA Waiver Day ~ November 8, 2011 Sherry Birchem

2 Session Overview… Common Core Standards – Text Complexity Common Core Standards – Text Complexity How to measure Text Complexity – Qualitative, Quantitative, Reader and Task How to measure Text Complexity – Qualitative, Quantitative, Reader and Task

3 Text Complexity and the Common Core Dr. Timothy Shanahan Dr. Timothy Shanahan Dr. Timothy Shanahan Dr. Timothy Shanahan

4 Jigsaw – Appendix A All groups – Page 2 – “Reading” and “Why Text Complexity Matters (stop before College, Careers, and Citizenship). All groups – Page 2 – “Reading” and “Why Text Complexity Matters (stop before College, Careers, and Citizenship). Group 1 – Page 2: College, Careers, and Citizenship; Page 3: K-12 Schooling… Group 1 – Page 2: College, Careers, and Citizenship; Page 3: K-12 Schooling… Group 2 – Pages 3 & 4: The Consequences: Too Many Students… Group 2 – Pages 3 & 4: The Consequences: Too Many Students… Group 3 – Pages 4, 5, and 6: The Standards’ Approach to Text Complexity; A Three-Part Model; Qualitative Measures of Text Complexity Group 3 – Pages 4, 5, and 6: The Standards’ Approach to Text Complexity; A Three-Part Model; Qualitative Measures of Text Complexity Group 4 – Pages 7 & 8: Quantitative Measures of Text Complexity Group 4 – Pages 7 & 8: Quantitative Measures of Text Complexity All groups – Pages 8 & 9: Key Considerations in Implementing Text Complexity All groups – Pages 8 & 9: Key Considerations in Implementing Text Complexity

5 Appendix A Summary Group 1 Group 1 Students entering college are lacking skills they need to read independently, but college professors have an increased expectation for students to read independently from sources that include mainly scientific journals and periodicals. Students entering college are lacking skills they need to read independently, but college professors have an increased expectation for students to read independently from sources that include mainly scientific journals and periodicals. K-12 text complexity has decreased since 1962, while college text complexity has increased. There is a need for sustained exposure to expository text for pre-college students, as the majority of required reading in college and the workplace is expository in nature. K-12 text complexity has decreased since 1962, while college text complexity has increased. There is a need for sustained exposure to expository text for pre-college students, as the majority of required reading in college and the workplace is expository in nature.

6 Group 2 Group 2 The US population overall is reading less and reading less complex material. This is getting worse at an accelerated rate. The US population overall is reading less and reading less complex material. This is getting worse at an accelerated rate. Being able to read complex text independently and proficiently is necessary for high achievement in college and the work place. Being able to read complex text independently and proficiently is necessary for high achievement in college and the work place. To grow students must read text that offer new language, new knowledge, and new modes of thought. To grow students must read text that offer new language, new knowledge, and new modes of thought.

7 Group 3 Group 3 The Standards Approach to Text Complexity has a Three-Part Model The Standards Approach to Text Complexity has a Three-Part Model 1. Qualitative dimensions of text complexity. This refers to the overall quality of the writitng: structure, clarity, meaning or purpose. 1. Qualitative dimensions of text complexity. This refers to the overall quality of the writitng: structure, clarity, meaning or purpose. 2. Quantitative dimensions of text complexity. This refers to word length, text complexity, sentence length, text cohesion. 2. Quantitative dimensions of text complexity. This refers to word length, text complexity, sentence length, text cohesion. 3. Reader and task considerations. The first two parts of the model deal with the inherent complexity of text, and the third element focuses on whether a text is appropriate for a given student and their abilities. 3. Reader and task considerations. The first two parts of the model deal with the inherent complexity of text, and the third element focuses on whether a text is appropriate for a given student and their abilities.

8 Group 4 Group 4 Traditionally, quantitative complexity has been determined by (1) word & sentence length or (2) word frequency. The problem with both is that the opposite can be true. Short, choppy sentences lack the cohesiveness and transitions many readers need. Traditionally, quantitative complexity has been determined by (1) word & sentence length or (2) word frequency. The problem with both is that the opposite can be true. Short, choppy sentences lack the cohesiveness and transitions many readers need. Lexiles typically use word frequency and sentence length to produce a lexile. The diffeence with lexiles would be that they incorporate student performance on the instrument (???) Lexiles typically use word frequency and sentence length to produce a lexile. The diffeence with lexiles would be that they incorporate student performance on the instrument (???) Another readability formula is based on high (does work for reader) & low (reader must make connections) cohesion of text. Another readability formula is based on high (does work for reader) & low (reader must make connections) cohesion of text. Ultimately, educators will be asked to employ their professional judgments to match particular texts to particular students. Ultimately, educators will be asked to employ their professional judgments to match particular texts to particular students. All All

9 Appendix A Summary All All Group 1 Group 1 Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 Group 3 Group 4 Group 4 All All



12 Lexiles Lexiles ® are like inches… Lexiles A universal, accurate measurement system A universal, accurate measurement system Used to measure a student’s current “size” and growth over time Used to measure a student’s current “size” and growth over time Not grade specific— students come in different sizes and grow at different rates Not grade specific— students come in different sizes and grow at different rates Source:

13 The Lexile Framework for Reading An educational tool that links text and readers under a common metric—Lexiles An educational tool that links text and readers under a common metric—Lexiles Characterizes reader with a measure and text with a measure Characterizes reader with a measure and text with a measure Allows educators to forecast the level of comprehension a reader is expected to experience with a particular test Allows educators to forecast the level of comprehension a reader is expected to experience with a particular test Source:

14 Limitations of Lexile Measures What Lexile text measures don’t address Text Characteristics  Age-appropriateness of Content  Text Support (pictures, pull- outs)  Text Quality (Is it a good book?) Reader Characteristics  Interest and Motivation  Background Knowledge  Reading Context and Purpose  Lexile text measures only measure text readability.  Therefore, input from readers, parents, teachers and librarians is necessary. Source:

15 Lexile Book Database Available free at Available free at Reading within the Lexile Range provides challenge without frustration Reading within the Lexile Range provides challenge without frustration 50 Lexiles above Lexile measure 50 Lexiles above Lexile measure 100 Lexiles below Lexile measure 100 Lexiles below Lexile measure Source:

16 Let’s try it… Let’s evaluate the text complexity of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Let’s evaluate the text complexity of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

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