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Abdomen Figure 1.9.

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1 Abdomen Figure 1.9

2 Surface Anatomy Muscular Wall and Hernias
Abdominal Wall Surface Anatomy Muscular Wall and Hernias

3 Bony Landmarks around Abdomen
Costal margin Xiphoid process Iliac crest Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) Pubic crest Inguinal ligament

4 Figure 7.27a



7 Four-quadrant pattern
Right upper Left upper Right lower Left lower For the simple four-quadrant topographical pattern a horizontal transumbilical plane passes through the umbilicus and the intervertebral disc between vertebrae LIII and LIV and intersects with the vertical median plane. Figure 1.12

8 Nine-region organizational pattern
the superior horizontal plane (the subcostal plane) is immediately inferior to the costal margins, which places it at the lower border of the costal cartilage of rib X and passes posteriorly through the body of vertebra LIII (note, however, that sometimes the transpyloric plane halfway between the jugular notch and the symphysis pubis or halfway between the umbilicus and the inferior end of the body of the sternum, passing posteriorly through the lower border of vertebrae LI and intersecting with the costal margin at the ends of the ninth costal cartilages is used instead); the inferior horizontal plane (the intertubercular plane) connects the tubercles of the iliac crests, which are palpable structures 5 cm posterior to the anterior superior iliac spines, and passes through the upper part of the body of vertebra LV; the vertical planes pass from the midpoint of the clavicles inferiorly to a point midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and pubic symphysis.

9 Abdominal wall Skin Superficial fascia Deep fascia Muscles Fat tissue
Cutaneous nerves Superficial vessels Deep fascia Muscles in the lower region of the anterior part of the abdominal wall, below the umbilicus, it forms two layer

10 Muscles of abdominal wall
Rectus abdominus-vertical midline Three layers- lateral External oblique (“hands-in-pocket”) Internal oblique (fibers perpendicular to external) Transverse abdominus (wraps around)

11 Muscles of abdominal wall

12 Muscles of abdominal wall

13 Muscles of abdominal wall

14 Pregnancy Exercise: Abdominal Exercises
diastasis recti back pain make labor and delivery easier improves the way you look and feel during pregnancy


16 Table 4-1. Abdominal wall muscles
External oblique

17 Inguinal ligament and canal



20 Hernias

21 Hernias

22 Hernias

23 Internal oblique

24 Transversus abdominis

25 Rectus abdominis

26 Rectus sheath

27 Rectus sheath

28 Hernias







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