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All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 Cover page.

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1 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 Cover page

2 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 General purpose What is the batch manager? What is a batch mask? What is a batch session?  How to work with a batch.

3 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 General purpose First of all, the batch option must be available and active. To activate the batch option, run MCPS and click Configuration, MCPS Settings, register card Passwords. Activate Enable Batch manager menu (next start), end MCPS and restart it again. Important: To set up and use more than one batch, the MPE-Option in a corresponding size is required. Now the menu Batch manager should be available in the headline of the MCPS.

4 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 BS – General 1 At first, the desired number of projects, which should be administrated by the batch manager in the batch session, must be set up. Click Batch manager, New session to create a new batch session (BS).

5 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 BS – General 2 Select the number of projects, which should be administrated by the batch manager. Select the projects, which should be administrated (1.). Type, size and place of displaying the batch control windows. (2.)

6 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 BS–Mask definition-General 1 Click register card Mask definition, Add mask to create a new batch mask, which contains, generates and asks for batch information. Name of the mask. To identify the mask in case of more than one. Batch preset text. Corresponds to the batch name. (3.) Select the parts which should generate the batch filename to be stored in the database. (6.)

7 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 BS–Mask definition-General 2 Meaningful: Automatic increasing of the lot number to guarantee different batch names. (4.) 8 additional information are possible. These input fields are questioned in the batch mask before the batch. (See results) They are free to create. (5.)

8 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 BS–Mask definition-DX/CX This register card allows it to send batch information to some selected hardware devices, which support the receive of external information. It is not important for the first steps with the batch manager.

9 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 BS–Mask definition-Automation This register card allows it to make settings concerning automatic actions. Select a predefined print layout to use for (an automatic) print after batch stop Select a predefined window layout to use for displaying online data during the batch. Select scripts to run automatic at 4 possible events.

10 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 BS–Mask definition-Batch files This register card allows to decide how to deal with the batch files, which are auto files before they are stored in the database Select a path to store the database. Select if the auto files should further exist. Decide if a database including batch files should be build or not.

11 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 BS–Mask definition-ERES This register card allows to decide if the batch files should be signed by the user or not. Enable / Disable the ERES signing. Select the number of different signing levels. User defined description of the signing levels.

12 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 BS – Database 1 This register card allows to make dababase settings. Select: Use session path for database, or Choose an extra path and an extra filename for the database. Not so important for the first steps with the batch manager.

13 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 The batch – results 1 Now it is possible to start the batch session. Click Batch manager, Start session. Now MCPS loads automatically all selected projects, and the following window should open. All selected projects are loaded. (1.) The batch control windows are at the preselected place in the preselected size and type. (2.)

14 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 The batch – results 2 Click Batch to add a new batch. The defined batch mask appears. Batch preset text. (3.) Name of the unit. Corresponds to the belonging project name. Automatically increasing lot number. (4.) 4 of 8 additional information to type in by the user. (5.)

15 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 The batch – results 3 Add the requested additional information, confirm your settings by clicking OK. If necessary, repeat this procedure for the other batches. Click Start to begin the measurement. Running batchRunning batch with an alarm Waiting batch Additional information, typed in by the user before the batch starts. (5.)

16 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 The batch – results 4 Batch filename consisting of the desired parts (6.) : Batch name / batch preset text. (3.) Automatically increasing lot number. (4.) Hour Second Minute

17 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 The batch – further information Double click in the batch control window or click to open the window layout which belongs to the project of this batch to see the online data in the desired way. All known operations are available like Statistics of all data up to this point of time. Numerical offline data Graphical offline data Data export Print And so on…

18 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 The database – results 1 At once the first batch is stopped, that means at once the first batch file is available, the database window opens automatically. You can open the database manually by clicking Batch manager, Open batch data base. All batch files are available, subdivided by time (All, Yesterday, Today) All batch information of the executed batches are available.

19 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 The database – results 2 To take a detailed look on the data, doubleclick on the desired batch file or rightclick on the batch file and then Load batchfile in the upper half of the database window. Now the batch file is loaded and the trend display of the data from this file is displayed. Numerical display of this file is available too, just as statistics, export and so on.

20 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 The database – results 3 For an easy search for single batch files, MCPS has a comfortable and powerful search function. Click Filter to get this filter window.

21 All rights reserved, property and © CAD Computer GmbH & Co.KG 2009 The database – results 4 Up to 10 different filters. It is possible to search for all available batch information like batch name, lot number, additional information and so on. It is possible to search for the unit name / project name. Different time filter are available. Limitation of possible search results in case of intending an export of batch files onto CD’s (700MB) for example.

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