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Prof. John Nestor ECE Department Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 ECE 313 - Computer Organization Multi-Cycle Processor.

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2 Prof. John Nestor ECE Department Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 ECE 313 - Computer Organization Multi-Cycle Processor Design 3 Fall 2005 Portions of these slides are derived from: Textbook figures © 1998 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers all rights reserved Tod Amon's COD2e Slides © 1998 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers all rights reserved Dave Patterson’s CS 152 Slides - Fall 1997 © UCB Rob Rutenbar’s 18-347 Slides - Fall 1999 CMU other sources as noted

3 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 32 Outline - Multicycle Design  Overview  Datapath Design  Controller Design  Aside: FSM Design in Verilog  Performance Considerations  Extending the Design: An Example  Microprogramming  Exceptions 

4 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 33 Exceptions - “Stuff Happens”  Definition: "unexpected change in control flow"  Used to handle runtime errors  Overflow  Undefined Instruction  Hardware malfunction  Used to handle external events, "service" functions  Interrupts - external I/O Device request  Page fault - virtual memory  System call - user request for OS action

5 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 34 Example: Undefined Instructions (OP ≠ R-Type OP≠LW, OP–W, OP≠BEQ) What happens here ????

6 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 35 What happens during an exception  Save user state - register values, etc.  Take action to handle exception  Restore user state and continue execution if possible (e.g., emulate undefined instr.) Exception: undefined instruction Return from exception user program add.s f0,f1,f2 srl r1,r2,2 beq r0,r1,L sub r5,r3,r2 add r5,r4,r3 bne r4,r3,L2 add r3,r1,r2 Exception Handler (System) rfe

7 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 36 Adding Exceptions to the Multicycle Processor  Two exceptions (for now):  Undefined instruction  Arithmetic overflow  Add registers to architecture to save state  EPC - Exception Program Counter (32 bits)  Cause - records cause of exception (32 bits) Undefined instruction: Cause <- 0 Arithmetic overflow: Cause <- 1  Alternatives used by other architectures Save PC on stack Communicate exception type using Exception Vector

8 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 37 Implementing Exceptions  Add datapath components - Figure 5.39  ExceptionPC (EPC) - stores PC of offending instruction  Cause Register - records the cause of the exception  Modify control - Figures 5.40  Undefined Instruction - state 1 (Instruction decode)  Overflow - state 7 (R-type completion)

9 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 38 Adding Exception Support to Datapath 55 RD1 RD2 RN1RN2WN WD RegWrite Registers Operation ALU 3 E X T N D 1632 Zero RD WD MemRead Memory ADDR MemWrite 5 Instruction I 32 ALUSrcB <<2 PC 4 RegDst 5 I R M D R M U X 0 1 2 3 M U X 1 0 M U X 0 1 A B ALU OUT 0 1 2 M U X <<2 CONCAT 2832 M U X 0 1 ALUSrcA jmpaddr I[25:0] rd MUX 01 rtrs immediate PCSource MemtoReg IorD PCWr* IRWrite E P C EPCWrite C A U S E CauseWrite M U X 0 1 IntCause. 1 0 3 8000 0180 hex Overflow

10 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 39 Fig.5.39

11 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 310

12 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 311 Implementing Exceptions  Datapath modifications  Calculate address of offending instruction (PC-4) and store in EPC  Store 0 or 1 in Cause  Add overflow output from ALU (described in Ch. 4)  Assign "8000 0180 hex " to PC - fixed location of handler  Control modifications  Undefined instruction: add ”default" branch to Instruction Fetch state  Overflow: test after execution state for R-type instructions

13 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 312 Adding Exception Support to Control - Undefined Instruction IntCause = 0 CauseWrite ALUSrcA = 0 ALUSrcB = 01 ALUOp = 01 EPCWRITE PCWrite PCSource=11 State 10 Undefined Instruction State 0 ALUSrcA = 0 ALUSrcB = 11 ALUOp = 00 State 1 Instruction Decode / Register Fetch State 9 Jump State State 8 Branch State State 6 Execution States State 2 Mem. Ref States (OP = ‘J’) (OP = ‘BEQ’) (OP = ‘R-Type’) (Op = ‘LW’ or Op = ‘SW’) from State 0 (OP = Other)

14 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 313 Adding Exception Support to Control - Arithmetic Overflow IntCause = 1 CauseWrite ALUSrcA = 0 ALUSrcB = 01 ALUOp = 01 EPCWRITE PCWrite PCSource=11 State 10 Overflow State 0 Overflow Note: requires storage of overflow condition from previous state ALUSrcA = 1 ALUSrcB = 00 ALUOp = 10 State 6 RegDst = 1 RegWrite MemtoReg = 0 State 7 R-type completion from State 1 (OP = R-Type) to State 0 Execution No Overflow

15 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 314 What makes exceptions hard  The “real” MIPS architecture requires that instruction causing exception must have "no effect"  Implication: undo effects of instruction  decrement PC  prevent storage of result during R-type instruction  What about “recursive” exceptions?  Must add instructions to save exception registers on stack  Disable exceptions / interrupts until registers saved  More details in Appendix A (A.7)

16 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 315 Summary - Exceptions  Must consider as part of overall design  Must find "convenient" places to detect exceptions  Must find way to cleanly return from exception  Must keep control “small and fast”  Much harder in pipelined implementations!

17 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 316 Project 3 - Multicycle MIPS in Verilog

18 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 317 Review - Multicycle FSM

19 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 318 Summary - Chapter 5  Processor design: creating hardware to fetch and execute instructions  What we've learned  Design is a process  Single cycle implementation  Multicycle implementation  Performance is key

20 Fall 2005Multicycle Design 319 Roadmap for the term: major topics  Overview / Abstractions and Technology  Instruction sets  Logic & arithmetic  Performance  Processor Implementation  Single-cycle implemenatation  Multicycle implementation  Pipelined Implementation   Memory systems  Input/Output

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