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ML Oxipres Why ? Instrument Set-up Running a sample Results

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Presentation on theme: "ML Oxipres Why ? Instrument Set-up Running a sample Results"— Presentation transcript:

1 ML Oxipres Why ? Instrument Set-up Running a sample Results
Looking at data Examples Calibration Q and A

2 Result from ML Oxipres

3 Result - explosion

4 Result - sec. reaction

5 Stabilization of vegetable oil with Oxy’Less® Clear
Oxipres™ 5 bars oxygen at 130°C Oxy’Less® is registered trade name from Naturex, France

6 Fish Meal at 60 and 80 °C

7 Fish Meal after 60 ºC

8 Fish Meal after 80 ºC

9 Chewing gum at 80 °C

10 Chewing Gum after 80 ºC

11 Cereal at 100 °C

12 Cereal before and after 100 °C

13 Biscuit °C

14 Mayonaise at 110 °C

15 Mayonaise after 110 °C

16 Peanuts at 90 °C

17 Sunflower oil - pressure
5 bar 3 bar

18 Sunflower oil - 2 temperatures
90 °C 80 °C

19 Sunflower oil - 3 temperatures
100 °C 90 °C 80 °C

20 Sunflower oil - 3 volumes
3 , 5 and 10 g

21 ML OxipresTM - Potato Chips

22 ML OxipresTM - output bar 4 h Chips at 90 oC Time

23 ML OxipresTM - Fish oil

24 ML OxidographTM - output


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