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LIPID TEST LAB Learning Goal: Identify foods containing lipids Identify a test for the presence of and relative amount of lipids foods contain Safety:

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Presentation on theme: "LIPID TEST LAB Learning Goal: Identify foods containing lipids Identify a test for the presence of and relative amount of lipids foods contain Safety:"— Presentation transcript:

1 LIPID TEST LAB Learning Goal: Identify foods containing lipids Identify a test for the presence of and relative amount of lipids foods contain Safety: General Awareness Safety Clean Workspace

2 LIPID TEST Background (don’t write): Many substances contain lipids (fats) and many claim to have little or no lipids (fat free…). Today we’ll do a test to show whether or not our chips really do or do not have lipids Husband changing oil for car Waxes

3 LIPID TEST How can you tell if something you’ve eaten is oily? Control Test: Explain how you could set up a control test to then reference for your food items

4 Control: draw this in your lab book. When finished, draw this on the brown paper towel. - H2O + OIL

5 1. Send person #1 to come up and put 1 drop of H2O on the – side and one drop of oil on the + side 2. Grab a paper towel to place under the brown paper so it doesn’t leak

6 LIPID TEST LAB 1.While waiting for controls to dry, make observations from the nutritional labels 1.OBSERVATIONS: FRIEDBAKED / POPPED LIPIDS: Total Fat = _____ Sat Fat = ____ Trans Fat = ___ Other fats listed = _____ Different ingredients: - LIPIDS: Total Fat = _____ Sat Fat = ____ Trans Fat = ___ Other fats listed = _____ Different ingredients: -

7 LIPID TEST Variables: IV: (this is what is influencing what you are testing) DV: ( this is how you’re measuring)

8 LIPIDS TEST Hypothesis: Make a hypothesis regarding what you’ve read on the nutritional label and what you observe on control paper “If there is an increase of __________ then ______ will inc/dec because _____________”

9 Data Table Substance+/-observations Water (control)- Oil (control)+ Chip 1 _________ Chip 2 _________ Chip 3 _________ Other __________

10 1.Use the control sheet as a guide to determine if the chips test +/- 2.Tear paper in half 3.Label one sheet of the paper fried and the other baked 4.Obtain approximately equal sized chips from each type of chip 5.Place chip on respective square sheet 6.Crumble the paper with the chip on the inside so no crumbs leak out 7.Open paper & dispose of chip fragments 8.Compare to control sheet & fill out data table PROCEDURES (don’t write)

11 Conclusion: (yes you may eat your lipids/lipidless examples QUIETLY while you work & only the ones at your table) Was your hypothesis right or wrong? What are some generalizations you could make about foods that tested + for lipids? What about foods that tested – for lipids? What are some other food items you’d been interested in testing?

12 LIPID TEST WARM UP So what could I do to test if something has lipids present?

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