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Night – Notebook Chapter 1. Timeline  Novel begins in 1941 – Eliezer is almost 13  Moishe left and returned – end of 1942  1943 passed “normally”

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1 Night – Notebook Chapter 1


3 Timeline  Novel begins in 1941 – Eliezer is almost 13  Moishe left and returned – end of 1942  1943 passed “normally”  1944 – spring – new gvmt, Nazi takeover, Passover, Ghettos, liquidation

4 Glossary (add under Jewish terms)  Shekhinah = divine presence  Exile= kicked out  Kabbalah – a mystic branch of Judaism  Zohar – book/secrets of mysticism  Shavuot – festival 7 weeks after Passover

5 Character list  Ch 1 p.3 – Moishe the Beadle- poor, goofy, religious  Ch 1 p. 4 – Father – cultured, aloof to son, high regard in community (w/ mom runs a store)  Ch 1 p. 4 –Siblings – Hilda, Bea, Tzipora

6 Very religious, studies Talmud, wants to study mysticism more, father rejects – Moishe teaches him His peaceful, secure world is rattled by the expulsion of foreign Jews (Moishe) He saw horrible things (babies  ) & nobody believes him – no singing, no lessons -Rumors (p.6), London Radio, Budapest radio, word of mouth -They convince themselves they would be fine (p.8) -Excuses - “too old” to relocate to Palestine (p.9) -Everything is abstract – it won’t happen to me (p. 10-11) Synagogues close, forbidden to own gold, yellow star, curfews, then ghettos “The ghetto was ruled by neither Germans or Jews, it was ruled by delusion” p. 12 “They had ceased to matter” p. 17 (materials) “An open tomb.” p. 17 (houses) 1.What do we learn about Eliezer p. 3-5? 2.Why the abrupt tone shift? p.6 3.How/why does Moishe change? 4.How do the people of Sighet learn about what’s going on? How do they handle it? 5.How do things change very quickly after the fascists take over the government? Powerful statements!!

7 6.What delusions do the people have about their future? 7.How do the Nazis use fear as a tactic on the trains? Nazis are running out of time p. 20 – the Nazis want the buried gold “vacation” p. 21 “one person was placed in charge of every car: if someone managed to escape, that person would be shot.” p. 22

8 Allusions P. 17 “It was like a page torn from a book, a historical novel, perhaps, dealing with the captivity in Babylon or the Spanish Inquisition.” ~600 BC Jews were captive in Babylonia and Jerusalem destroyed 1400-1500’s – Catholic Church – convert or leave

9 Symbols - Eyes  P. 7 – “Moishe was not the same. The joy in his eyes were gone.”

10 Symbols - Night  P. 12 – 1 st mention of night – when liquidation was announced  P. 18 – last night at home  P. 21 Night – not wanting it to end  P.22 – last Friday night family meal

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