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Unit 2 10.2 Enlightenment & Revolutions Ms. Ramos Alta Loma High School.

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1 Unit 2 10.2 Enlightenment & Revolutions Ms. Ramos Alta Loma High School

2 Sovereignty Don’t have to obey higher authority No one else has right to dictate internal affairs of another state

3 Natural Rights Rights that belong to all Life, liberty, property

4 Separation of Powers Certain pwrs given to different parts of govt to prevent one part from becoming too pwrful

5 Social Contract People give up freedom to govt to avoid anarchy

6 Limited Government Restrictions placed on govt to prevent abuse

7 Constitutional Monarchy Constitution or legislative body limits the monarchy

8 Absolute Monarchy King/Queen w/complete authority over govt & lives of the people

9 Civil Rights rights to full legal, social, and economic equality

10 Habeas Corpus No person held in prison w/o being charged w/ specific crime

11 Popular Sovereignty People are the source of govt’s power

12 10.2.1 Describe and explain the English, American, and French revolutions’ and their “enduring effects worldwide on the political expectations for self- government and individual liberty.” ALSO: Describe major ideas of three philosophers and their effects on the democratic revolutions in England, the United States, and France specifically. Level 3 will include: In what ways do revolutions, and the philosophies behind those revolutions, influence each other? Level 4 will include: What sorts of philosophies have remained relatively standard across time?

13 10.2.2 List the principles of and give specific examples of three of the following documents: the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights (1689), the American Declaration of Independence (1776), the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (1789), and the U.S. Bill of Rights (1791). Level 3 will include: How have principles of law changed over time? What principles have endured? Level 4 will include: What kind of progression in law do you see over the years? Are people given more or less protection? What about business?

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