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Published byStewart Hodge Modified over 9 years ago
1 Concrete collections II
2 HashSet hash codes are used to organize elements in the collections, calculated from the state of an object –hash codes are not necessarily unique and so-called buckets are used for hash collisions –initial bucket count is recommended to be between 75 % and 150% of the expected element count –automatic rehashing when load factor (default 75%) threshold is reached then, the bucket count is doubled for example, new HashSet (101, 0.75) // capacity, load factor
3 HashSet (cont.)
4 iteration in (seemingly) random order however, LinkedHashSet can preserve insertion order a general problem involving search structures: –hashCode should not change when called multiple times on the the same object –changing the state of an element of a set or map may corrupt the data structure
5 On defining hash functions hashCode can be any integer, positive or negative definitions of equals and hashCode must be compatible so that: if x.equals (y), then also x.hashCode () == y.hashCode () equals compares two object for "equality": do they have the same state –the default implementation in Object compares the objects for "identity": are they the same object hash code is calculated recursively on every significant field and referenced object, and then combined into one integer result the programmer must determine what is significant
6 On defining hash functions (cont.) e.g., see Item.hashCode () in the Ex. 2-3 TreeSetTest return 13 * description.hashCode() + 17 * partNo; a compatible Item.equals: if (this == otherObj) return true; if (otherObj == null) return false; if (getClass() != otherObj.getClass()) return false; Item other = (Item) otherObj; // cast is safe! return description.equals(other.description) && partNumber == other.partNumber; writing really good hash functions may involve mathematical/theoretic problems; see, e.g., [Bloch, 2001] for advice on writing Java hash functions
7 TreeSet TreeSet defines a sorted collection, i.e., implements SortedSet elements implement the interface Comparable : public int compareTo (T other) { return... // -1, 0, 1 if } otherwise, TreeSet must use a Comparator : SortedSet sortByComparator = new TreeSet ( new Comparator () { public int compare (Item a, Item b) {.. return descrA.compareTo (descrB); }});
8 TreeSet (cont.) iteration is done in sorted order comparing string ignoring case is a common requirement –the String class defines a Comparator object String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER –may result in an unsatisfactory ordering (since locales are not considered)
9 Concrete Maps associative table consisting of key-value pairs two concrete implementations: HashMap, TreeMap value = map.get (keyObject) // or null if not found map.put (keyObject, valueObject) // insert key-value put returns the old value –returning null means that there was no previous definition for that key keyObject may be null valueObject cannot be null
10 Concrete Maps (cont.) maps are not collections, but you can get views on keys, values, and entries: Set aSet = map.keySet (); Set > aSet = map.entrySet (); Collection c = map.values (); // a multiset note that keys and entries may be (sorted) sets, but values are Collections (i.e., multisets or bags) however, generally collection views can be sets or multisets, depending on the context views are collections and thus potentially more powerful than iterators a view can be handled as one unit, provide extra operations, and potentially allow multiple traversals
11 Concrete Maps (cont.) for example, can enumerate all keys of a map: Set keys = map.keySet (); for (String key : keys) { do something with key } if want both keys and values: for (Map.Entry entry : staff.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey (); Empl value = entry.getValue (); do something with key and value } can remove (but cannot add) entries through iterators of such view collections for maps
12 Special Map Classes IdentityHashMap uses the value returned by System.identityHashCode (anObject) to organize the keys –correspondingly, == is used to test the equality of the objects (i.e., object states are ignored) the hash value represents a low-level physical address/memory reference –the original hashCode value defined by Object does return distinct integers for distinct objects –typically implemented by converting the internal address of the object into an integer useful for object traversal, where only the identity of objects is meaningful
13 LinkedHashMap LinkedHashMap remembers the insertion order for iteration of entries –implemented with extra links per key-value node alternatively, keeps entries in access order for puts and gets (eldest first, most recently used last) put may then potentially remove the eldest entry, as determined by the protected method boolean removeEldestEntry (Map.Entry ) for example, keep size of at most 100 elements: Map cache = new LinkedHashMap (128, 0.75F, true) { protected boolean removeEldestEntry (Map.Entry eldest) { return size () > 100; } };
14 LinkedHashMap (cont.)
15 Special Map Classes (cont.) or you can check the eldest entry to decide whether to remove it, e.g., based on a time stamp –access order reordering enables various LRU (Least Recently Used) solutions for data structures –note the Template Method design pattern WeakHashMap an entry is automatically removed if this is the only reference to the key uses a WeakReference objects to hold a key the garbage collector queues these entries for the WeakHashMap operations to check and then remove –for more details, see the textbook
16 Collections and algorithms lists can also be handled by algorithms provided in the Collections class note the 's' at the end of Collections! for example, picking up a winning combination: List numbers =..; Collections.shuffle (numbers); List winning = numbers.subList (0, 7); Collections.sort (winning); System.out.println (winning); when implementing your own algorithms or queries, consider returning a copy of values, or a view into the original collection to prevent unwanted modifications of a shared data structure
17 Collections and algorithms (cont.) e.g., sorting: Collections.sort (aList, aComparator) –copies the specified list into an array, sorts the array, and iterates over updating the list –stable sort that preserves order of equal values Collections.reverseOrder () returns a comparator that imposes the reverse of the natural ordering of course, algorithms may presuppose that given collections allow and support appropriate operations –a List is modifiable if it supports the set method –a List is resizable if it supports the add and remove methods
18 Collections and algorithms (cont.) binary search finds value or locates insertion point: i = Collections.binarySearch (aList, key, aComp) –if not found, returns the insertion point (say, 0) + 1, as a negative value (here, -1): if (i < 0) aList.add (-i-1, key); // -(i+1) provides many simple algorithms, e.g.: –obj = Collections.max (aCollection, aComparator) –min, copy, fill, replaceAll, indexOfSubList, lastIndexOfSubList, reverse, rotate, etc. –the code becomes more readable
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