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SAKAI 3 MICHAEL KORCUSKA June 2009 Why Build Sakai 3?  Changing expectations  Google docs/apps, Social Networking, Web 2.0  Success of project sites.

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3 Why Build Sakai 3?  Changing expectations  Google docs/apps, Social Networking, Web 2.0  Success of project sites = Sakai beyond courses  New technologies  Standards-based, open source projects JCR (Jackrabbit) Open Social (Shindig)  Client-side programming JavaScript/AJAX 2

4 Benefits  Increased end-user satisfaction  Flexibility for site owners  Best of class user experience  Stability, quality & scalability  Smaller code base, shared with other OS projects  Transaction-level clustering  Fewer local customizations  More knowledge of existing uses cases  Simpler development environment  Java and JavaScript

5 Content Tagging & Management Sakai 3 Themes Content Authoring Academic NetworkingBreaking the Site Boundary Academic Workflows, not (just) Tools Sakai, Thick or Thin The unSakai 4

6 Content Authoring  Content Basics:  Simple page creation (wiki-like)  WYSIWG Editing  Template-based authoring  Versioning  Interactive Widgets 5

7 Tagging & Management  Everything is content  Classic “resources”  Discussion post, user profile, test questions  Taggable, searchable, linkable, portable  Unified content repository  Content not tied to site  Everything in one storage area  BUT: Sakai is not a full Content Management System 6

8 Sakai 2 Site A Site B Users find things by remembering what site they added it to ? ? 7

9 Tags: System, Organizational & User Search Sakai 3 Smart Folders 8

10 Benefits  Web 2.0 “search” interaction supported  Tagging & content search  Smart Folders retain hierarchical structure if desired  Folders for each site, each user and more  Portfolio and other “cross-site” needs  Tags allow simple aggregation of diverse content  Organizational & User tag systems support multiple portfolio requirements 9

11 Academic Networking  Academic Networking  People are important, but “friends” aren’t enough  Content-based – Who is reading the same articles?  Activity based – Who has taken the same classes? 10

12 Sakai 2: Users & Sites Site A Site B Group A1 User 1 User 2 User 3 User 4 User 5. User N Group B1 User 1 User 2 User 3 User 4 User 5. User N Users and groups exist within the context of a site. 11

13  Groups & Sites managed separately Member of a group – People with something in common Access to a site– Collection of content & functionality Support for hierarchy Sakai 3 Groups & Sites Site A Site B Site C Group 2 Group 3 Group 1 12

14 Kernel Tool Tool Silos Kernel Service Kernel 13

15 Sakai 3 Architecture Kernel Workflow Kernel Service Kernel 14

16 Academic Workflow  Beyond Tool Silos  Academic work flows often cross tool boundaries Anything can be graded! Anything can be discussed!  This is beginning to appear in Sakai 2 But more needs to be done  Example: Instructor puts into syllabus an assignment to create a discussion post that will be graded.  4 tools for both instructors and students! 15

17 Workflow Example WeekReadingsActivities & Assignments 1Course Policies Textbook Chapter 1 2Textbook Chapter 2 Jackson Article Write a response to Jackson article & post to discussion forum Create Assignment… Name: Jackson Reading Response Due Date: September 10, 2009 Points: 10 (of 150) Type: Individual Description: Respond to the Jackson article in no more than 500 words. Post that response to the class discussion forum. Link To: Select... Create CancelAdvanced Options… Select text & click “Create Assignment” Edit Assignment Information Link to Something All Media Images Videos Audio Forums Tests Site Pages Polls Choose New… Forums Jackson Response Forum (3 posts) Class Intro Forum (27 posts) Some Other Forum (0 posts) 16

18 Student View WeekReadingsActivities & Assignments 1Course Policies Textbook Chapter 1 2Textbook Chapter 2 Jackson Article Write a response to Jackson article & post to discussion forum Assignment: Jackson Reading Response Due Date: September 10, 2009 ( due tomorrow) Status: Not submitted Points: 10 possible (of 150). Description: Respond to the Jackson article in no more than 500 words. Post that response to the class discussion forum. Read more… Link(s): Jackson Response Discussion Forum (Create Post…) 17

19 Student View, Graded WeekReadingsActivities & Assignments 1Course Policies Textbook Chapter 1 2Textbook Chapter 2 Jackson Article Write a response to Jackson article & post to discussion forum Assignment: Jackson Reading Response Due Date: September 10, 2009 (due date passed) Status: Submitted and Graded Points: 9/10 (of 150). View feedback Description: Respond to the Jackson article in no more than 500 words. Post that response to the class discussion forum. Read more… Link(s): Jackson Response Discussion Forum (go to Forum now) 18

20 Sakai 3 Demo 19

21 20

22 Sakai 3 Architecture «Shared» Code (Sling, Shindig, Guice, JPA, Wave?) Sakai Kernel Layer Business Logic (services) User experience

23 Sakai 3 Technology Goals  Scalability  Remove bottlenecks from Sakai 2  Improve cluster support  Developer Productivity  Faster builds  UX & back-end development separated  Code Quality & Maintenance  Reliance on other open source efforts  Increase unit testing  Easier to install/build  To improve initial experience for new developers 22

24 Four ways: Join, Create, Document, Donate Participate

25 Dilemma  Detailed planning depends on resources  Resource commitments depend on plan  So  We have a high-level plan  And a series of defined release milestones  The particular features/functions available in a milestone are dependent on you

26 Official Releases Release Timelines Sakai 2.6 Sakai 2.7 Sakai 3.0 20092010201120122013 Previews Hybrid Mode Sakai 2.5 Sakai 2.8? 25

27 Sakai 3 Pre-releases  See “Sakai 3 Projects”   Milestone 1  Simple project sites and basic networking  Milestone 2  Full Sakai functionality, not all “native” Sakai 3  Milestone 3  Full functional replacement for Sakai 2.x  Data migration tools 26

28 Join an existing Project  K2: The kernel for Sakai 3  Leadership from Cambridge  Contributions from Georgia Tech, UC Davis, UC Berkeley, Sakai Foundation, Charles Sturt   3akai: The foundational UX  Participation from Sakai Foundation, Georgia Tech & Cambridge  Confluence space being set up for this project 27

29 Create a new project  Discussion forums & chat rooms  Assignment, feedback and reporting  Tests & Quizzes  Portfolios  Administration & reporting  Site Archive, Delete, Import, Export (including Common Cartridge & SCORM)  System integration (including IMS LIS and LTI)  User Help and Documentation  Internationalization and Localization  Data Migration – from 2.x to 3.0  Widget development – small bit of functionality, suitable for individual contributor Many areas of functionality need to be addressed, starting with requirements and design

30 Document  Requirements-driven development  Depends on requirements  Document your campus needs for an existing project  Or even for one that hasn’t started yet  Can be institutional or individual

31 Donate  Sakai Foundation starting a fund for Sakai 3  Funds will go to:  Direct design and development  Developer documentation & training  Working meeting expenses

32 Getting Started  Communicate on Sakai-dev  Attend Conference  Friday is “Sakai 3” day.  Project planning meetings on Monday, July 6 and Saturday July 11.  A variety of BOFs during the conference  Q4 Working meetings  Dates & locations depending on participants  Unsure what to do?  Email Peter Knoop ( or myself (

33 Reminder  This is a community project  It won’t happen without you  Enlightened self-interest  Your participation now will pay huge dividends  A system that meets your needs with less customization

34 Thank You! 33

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