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Presentation on theme: " IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering

2 What is IEEE?  An international organization of engineers, scientists and students involved in electrical, electronics, and related fields. IEEE also acts as a standards-making body, and publishing house.  It has members from very diverse technical backgrounds: * Electrical Engineering * Computer Engineering * Aerospace Engineering * Computer Science * Biomedical Engineering and many more…

3 What does National Membership Offer  Access to IEEE Job Site, an employment search tool  IEEE Spectrum Magazine, and the IEEE digital Library  Free Admission into HESS meetings (Formal Dinner with Speaker) (Formal Dinner with Speaker)  Enables membership in over 39 field specific societies  Scholarships and Grant Opportunities  Discounts to IEEE conferences  Discounted items from ShopIEEE  Enables local membership at UH

4 What Facilities ?  Circuits and Electronics Lab  Engineering Library  Group Study Room with 2 blackboards  Computer Room with 10 Computers and a Printer  T.V. Lounge with Pool and Foosball tables! Microwave OvenMicrowave Oven Snacks and Sodas for 50 centsSnacks and Sodas for 50 cents

5 What does Local Membership Offer?  Access to facilities 24/7  Network with peers and upperclassmen in your major  Old notes and Exams  Network with companies (Chili Cook-off, General Meetings)  Access to technical information outside the classroom  Leadership Opportunities  Looks good on your resume  Allows you to compete for the IEEE Scholarship

6 IEEE Member Scholarship  Students who are members of the IEEE Local and National branches will be eligible to compete for a $750, $500 and $250 scholarship based on participation  Earn points just for having fun- IEEE points are awarded for attending socials and poker nights, so make plans to come and meet other members and get credit towards a scholarship!  Points are also awarded for participation in committees, volunteer work, and other activities. Check the website for the current list of awards, and get active.

7 IEEE Activities at UH  Monthly movie and games nights  Joint parties with other organizations  Monthly general meetings, with industry guest speakers  UH powerplant tour  IEEE chili cookoff

8 Computer Lab

9 Circuits and Electronics Lab

10 Library

11 Lounge

12 Lounge

13 Main Study Room

14 Fees  National FEE: $30.00 a year  Local FEE: $5.00 a semester  LOCKERS: $3.00/semester (optional) (Lockers are a great inexpensive way to manage your books and notes!!)

15 How Do I Join?  Come to one of our General Meetings First General Meeting is on Wednesday 13 th February, 11:30am-1pm. Look out for flyers with the location.  Free food and drinks will be provided.  All National memberships are to be submitted online at (our chapter is registered as ‘Univ of Houston’ and NOT ‘University of Houston’)  See any IEEE officer for details.

16 Where are we located?  Office is located in the Room 136 of the Y building

17 29 th Annual Chili Cook-off  March 13 th 2008, 5pm onwards. Located between the Engineering and Y buildings.  Chili Cook-off is one of the biggest events of IEEE at UH where students have a chance to talk to the industry professionals and experts and where companies get a chance to advertise themselves to their future employees. It is a professional event in a fun environment. Various representatives from the companies, faculty, other engineering organizations and all engineering students take part in this event.

18 29 th Annual Chili Cook-off  List of Some events  Chili Contest  Dunking Booth  Slide Rule Contest  Ping Pong tournament  IPOD Shuffle raffle Bring a lot of resumes!

19 IEEE committees for 2008  We are looking for committed individuals dedicated to helping this club run smoothly and to increase its activities and membership.  You will be working with other officers, ECE faculty, company representatives, and other engineering students.  Your contributed hours earn points that go towards winning the IEEE scholarship  If you are interested, e-mail us at:  Speak to an IEEE officer

20 FOR MORE INFORMATION  Visit the IEEE Web-Site:  Visit the UH-IEEE Web-Site:  E-mail us at:  Phone:713-743-4469  Speak to an IEEE officer

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