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Presented by Your Name A Marketing and Sales Strategy to Get Your Home Sold Marketing and Sales Strategy to Get Your Home Sold.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Your Name A Marketing and Sales Strategy to Get Your Home Sold Marketing and Sales Strategy to Get Your Home Sold."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Your Name A Marketing and Sales Strategy to Get Your Home Sold Marketing and Sales Strategy to Get Your Home Sold

2 3 Factors to consider when selling 1.Presentation  The “WOW Factor” 1 st Impression  Establish an Emotional Connection 2.Promotion  Traditional Marketing  Web 2.0 Marketing 3.Price  Ready, Willing, and Able buyer is willing to pay  Based on Sold comparables

3 Presentation

4 Standard Photography (Before)

5 Professional HD Photography (After)

6 Promotion

7 MLS Syndication Traditional Real Estate Marketing

8 Facebook gets more hits than Google Market community information Share with friends and family Facebook Fan Page Enhanced with Community Links

9 YouTube Video YouTube is the world’s #2 search engine Gives your home greater exposure Creating an Emotional Connection

10 Give Your Home A Web Presence Custom Web SiteSign Rider Neighborhood Assistance AWESOME Agent (206)555-1212 Custom Domain Name

11 Facebook Fan Page YouTube Video Domain Name Registration Custom Web Site Sign Rider ( Syndication ) ( ) Viral Marketing Exposure

12 Over 30 Different Search Engines Listing Optimization with Web 2.0 Syndication

13 Comprehensive Communication Track Showings Track the Market Get Feedback

14 Track Showings Personal phone contact every week from me and my team

15 Get Feedback Follow up on every showing automatically

16 Track the Market Real-time market activity

17 Price

18 The Competition (Active Comparables)

19 The Competition (Sold Comparables)

20 Let’s Get Started!

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