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Handling Objections. “It has been proven in the past that voice analysis is not reliable..” LVA is completely new approach to voice analysis and uses.

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Presentation on theme: "Handling Objections. “It has been proven in the past that voice analysis is not reliable..” LVA is completely new approach to voice analysis and uses."— Presentation transcript:

1 Handling Objections

2 “It has been proven in the past that voice analysis is not reliable..” LVA is completely new approach to voice analysis and uses entirely different analysis methods and algorithms than traditional voice analysis methods such as CVSA, VSA or PSE. LVA is based on a proprietary set of vocal parameters that were discovered by Nemesysco’s research team while analyzing real- life recordings captured in various scenarios and different languages.

3 “There is no proof in science or a psychological theory that describes emotional connection to voice” Not true. The first mentioning of the voice ability to reflect emotions is very early and was attributed to Darwin A growing number of research studies and scientific papers describe the emotional content of the voice and suggest ways to evaluate it, yet so far, LVA technology is the only one effectively showing ability to do so on continues manner and in real life scenarios (continues in next page)

4 “There is no proof in science or a psychological theory that describes emotional connection to voice” It is a known that different tones of voice reflect different emotions and feelings, and actors train to express such vocal emotions LVA development was based on analysis of empirical data obtained from real-life vocal samples, and mathematical modeling of the correlation between changes in the voice waveform and the underlying genuine emotions and feelings

5 “So, can actors fool the system?!” NO. Actors only effect the audible “envelope” of the their voice, and not the inner content, which is what LVA looks for LVA is made to ignore any vocal parameter that the tested party can intentionally control As of today, there are no known counter measures to the LVA test

6 “These systems don’t work on anything else but the ‘Bogus pipeline effect’”… LVA accurately analyzes pre-recorded voice data never intended to be analyzed, some times from distant history The so called ‘Bogus Pipeline Effect’ is based on frightening the tested parties from the possible results and only work for a very limited time, until the bluff is called. Nemesysco’s systems work for years with the same customers, providing accurate results time after time. Nemesysco’s call center’s application are providing valuable emotional information that has nothing to do with fear or consequences.

7 “Honest people get stressed. They may fear the test and waive rights they deserve!” We feared so too, but the facts prove this is not happening In fact, most cases that are found to be “low risk” are being resolved now in a matter of hours, instead of weeks LVA enables major improvement of customer service, and helps process and address the needs of the majority of legitimate customers faster than ever before

8 “What about professional liars? They are not stressed when they lie” Everybody fear, to some extent, real consequences LVA doesn’t look for stress as a sole indicator of guilt. In fact, stress levels typically effect the results very little. LVA analysis builds a unique “profile” for each tested party during its calibration phase, and then it evaluates each person based on his own range of emotional reactions. The LVA sensitivity is automatically adjusted per person.

9 “Some research materials says LVA accuracy is less than a chance..” Any equipment should be examined according to its manufacturer instructions. Researches performed by untrained operators or on invalid voice material have indeed failed. LVA must be examined in real-life situations, where the intent to deceive and jeopardy involved are genuine. “ I ’ m a green duck ” type of lies will not work… All research performed on real life data, by trained LVA operators, have gotten very good results.

10 “Polygraphs use several parameters. LVA tests a single one so it’s results must be less accurate…” LVA is not a polygraph, and should not be evaluated as such. The voice conveys much more information than one ’ s heartbeat or breathing rate LVA is not testing a single parameter. LVA analysis is based on 129 different parameters extracted from the voice samples

11 “Voice analysis is a threat to Polygraph investigators…” LVA can be used by Polygraph institutes and investigators as a complimentary product to the Polygraph, performing over the phone investigations remotely or analyzing recorded media. LVA-i can be used by Polygraph service centers to expand the range of services they offer beyond traditional tests, and allow them to enter market segments which were not previously served The LVA product can be used only by experienced users. Nemesysco believes that Polygraph investigators are ideal operators of LVA systems, based on knowledge and experience in interrogation techniques they acquired over the years

12 “So which is better? Polygraph or LVA?” LVA and Polygraph are not in competition, and one should not exclude the other The flexibility of LVA investigation provides better data in preparation for the Polygraph test Use LVA to begin the investigation and collect more data. Use the polygraph to get the final “verdict” and obtain confessions

13 “Voice analysis violates civil rights..” Nemesysco ’ s security oriented products help defend the rights of every citizen to security and protection against crimes GK1 provides unbiased and non-discriminating profiling LVA-i promotes fair and non-discriminating hiring practices Nemesysco’s products are made to comply with the European Data Protection treaty. No personal or other type of data is saved unless the operator instructed the system to do so.

14 “It is illegal to record people without permission…” Most of Nemesysco ’ s applications do not require recording at all and analysis is done in real time In some countries recordings are allowed if one of the participants in the call is aware of the recording (one-party consent) In some countries recordings are allowed when the parties are advised that the call is being recorded (two-party consent) It is important, however, to ensure the legal statue in your country

15 “The use of analysis techniques such as LVA is illegal in my territory” Might be true in certain countries… Might be true for certain applications … It is important to ensure the legal statue in your country

16 “LVA is not admissible in court.” True (in most cases), and we like it this way. LVA technology is NOT 100% accurate in all cases. No technology is. LVA is made to lead the investigators to find the material evidence, not to serve as one. LVA is used as an investigation and decision-supporting tool and its results should not be treated as the sole evidence for one ’ s guilt

17 “Nemesysco products are too expensive…” Compare LVA based tests to alternatives Compare costs to savings, show R.O.I. Quality costs…

18 “Why isn’t the technology used in Israeli airports?” Israeli airports are using a different and proven profiling methodology. This methodology requires extensive knowledge and experience which are rather difficult to apply in different environments. The Israeli profiling system is considered in many countries a biased and discriminating procedure. GK1 performs an unbiased and non-discriminating emotional profiling.

19 “Is the technology being used by the Israeli security organizations?” We cannot relate to the tools and methodologies in use by any of our security (or other) organizations. Nemesysco will identify its customers only if they have previously done so themselves or under their explicit permission

20 “So, after all is said and done – How accurate is LVA???” If the quality of the voice is reasonably good and the operation and preparation are proper, then: The emotional analysis component will be almost 100% accurate. In this case, the technology will properly present how the tested subject is feeling in terms of emotional charge, cognitive conflicts and general stress (“Fight or Flight” syndrome). If the intention to deceive is genuine and poses jeopardy on the tested subject, (assuming the tested party falls within the standard range of “sanity” or "normality"), then the veracity determination will also be accurate more than 90% of the times. (In the latest field research study conducted on 500 passengers in an airport, LVA -the security version of the technology- was able to render an overall accurate analysis in all 500 cases.)

21 “Can we prove that the technology really works?” Show research documents Show customer references Suggest a Pilot phase (following training!)

22 Thank you

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