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Forms of Violence in Austria Florian Lang 2AHEL 2006/2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Forms of Violence in Austria Florian Lang 2AHEL 2006/2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forms of Violence in Austria Florian Lang 2AHEL 2006/2007

2 Definiton Any act of agression – which causes – or intends to cause injury Divided into two forms – Random violence – Coordinated violence

3 Preface – Federal Minister of the Interior Austria: Among the safest industrial countries of the world – In comparison with 49 countries In categories: Safety from threats and violence Personal safety and protection of property

4 Crime in Austria (2001) Criminal offences declined by 7,7 % as compared to 2000 Authorities recorded about 523 000 offences liable to prosecution Thefts and drug offences were inreasing


6 Violence at home Women and girls: Are beaten and sexually assaulted by – husbands – fathers – and other family members In africa more women are shot at home than are shot by strangers, or intruders

7 School Violence 10 000 people were surveyed at the age of 12 to 18 in 1997 How often they were involved in violence – Three quarters were never subjected – 14% were victimized one ore two times – 16% were repeatedly subjected to violence

8 Violence at work Any act in which a person is – abused, threatended, intimidated – or assaulted in his or her employment Workplace violence includes: – Threatening behaviour, Verbal or written threats – Harassment, Verbal abuse, Physical attacks

9 Stalking Consists of the – Repeated following – harassing of another person Sending flowers, waiting for someone outside her workplace is not criminal When actions coupled with an intent to instill fear or injury, it is criminal 90% of stalking victims are women – 80% of the perpetrators are men

10 Running amok Used to refer the behaviour of someone who – in the grip of strong emotion – obtains a weapon, begins attacking people indiscriminately Niederösterreich (05.05.1997): – 15 year old boy called Helmut Z. – Took the weapon from his father and killed one teacher – Another teacher was injured heavily

11 Child abuse Physical or psychological maltreatment of a child 20 000 abuse incidents are reported annualy 90 % of child abuse cases ocurred within – families – or was committed by close family friends


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