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Assignment 13: Mi Familia Quiz Use your notes in preparation of taking a twelve question quiz on Mi Familia and our California research.

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Presentation on theme: "Assignment 13: Mi Familia Quiz Use your notes in preparation of taking a twelve question quiz on Mi Familia and our California research."— Presentation transcript:


2 Assignment 13: Mi Familia Quiz Use your notes in preparation of taking a twelve question quiz on Mi Familia and our California research.

3 Directions for Quiz Please restate the question as part of your answer, and be sure to write in complete sentences. If a question has more than one part, please be sure to answer each part or only partial credit will be received.

4 Questions 1,2, & 3 (of 12) 1.In what century was California first colonized by Spain? 2.Approximately how many years was California part of Spain? Also, about how many years was it part of Mexico? 3.When was Los Angeles settled and what is its full name?

5 Questions 4, 5, & 6 (of 12) 4.How many children were in the Sanchez family and what were their names? 5.Which daughter became a nun and what happened to her that upset her parents? 6.What was the name of the brother who was shot by the police and who was most affected by his death?

6 Questions 7 & 8 (of 12) 7.What omen did Jose’s wife see when crossing the river when trying to get back to the U.S. and what meaning did it have? 8.What did Jimmy and Isabella share that allowed them to make an emotional connection?

7 Questions 9 & 10 (of 12) 9.What was the name of Jimmy’s son,why was he so angry, and what eventually became of his relationship with his dad? 10. Explain what Jose meant when he said to Maria,”It’s wrong to wish for too much in life,” and what was she thinking about when he said this?

8 Questions 11 & 12 ( of 12) 11.Approximately how many people live in California and what are the three largest ethnic groups? 12. Approximately how long have Native Americans lived in what is now California?

9 End of Quiz Be sure that your name, date, and period are in the upper right-corner and the assignment number and title are on the title line.

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