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ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Introduction Carli Lessof National Centre for Social Research Introductory workshop to the English Longitudinal.

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Presentation on theme: "ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Introduction Carli Lessof National Centre for Social Research Introductory workshop to the English Longitudinal."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Introduction Carli Lessof National Centre for Social Research Introductory workshop to the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing 5 July 2005 Royal Statistical Society, London Introduction Carli Lessof National Centre for Social Research

2 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing International Centre for Health and Society, UCL Institute for Fiscal Studies and UCL Dept of Economics National Centre for Social Research University of Cambridge, East Anglia, Exeter, Imperial Research Team

3 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Acknowledgements: The research team James Banks Richard Blundell Elizabeth Breeze Lisa Calderwood Laura Conway Kate Cox María Casanova Bob Erens Edlira Gjonça Elizabeth Hacker Felicia Huppert Martin Hyde Mary Janevic Roger Jowell Saffron Karlsen Meena Kumari Michelle Lee Carli Lessof Anne McMunn Brenda McWilliams Michael Marmot David Melzer Hayley Mew James Nazroo Susan Nunn Zoë Oldfield Dan Philo Keeley Ribas Nicholas Steel Rebecca Taylor

4 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Acknowledgements Consultants to the study David Blane Mike Hurd Jim Smith Beth Soldo Mike Wadsworth Bob Wallace Bob Willis Advisory group Baroness Sally Greengross Sir Tony Atkinson Michael Bury Julian Farrand Tom Kirkwood Tom Ross Jacqui Smith Anthea Tinker Christina Victor Alan Walker

5 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Acknowledgements: Funders National Institute on Aging Department for Education and Skills Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Department of Health Department of Trade and Industry Department for Work and Pensions HM Treasury Inland Revenue Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Office for National Statistics

6 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing ELSA is... A study of people aged 50+ and their younger partners Multi-disciplinary - health, economic and social circumstances Longitudinal - change over time Comparative - United States (HRS) and Europe (SHARE) Policy relevant - applied research with long term aims Funding - National Institute on Aging, UK Government Depts

7 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Research Questions What explains who has good health in later life and who does not? When do people retire and how do they plan for their retirement? Do people have enough savings to provide for their older age? How do changes in memory and concentration affect well being? What is the relationship between all the factors involved in ageing?

8 HSE 1998 & Nurse Visit HSE 1998 & Nurse Visit The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing HSE 1999 & Nurse Visit HSE 1999 & Nurse Visit HSE 2001 & Nurse Visit HSE 2001 & Nurse Visit

9 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Sample Design Sample is representative of population aged 50 and over, living in private households in England Drawn from Health Survey for England (HSE) Three years of HSE used - 1998, 1999 & 2001 HSE is an annual cross-section of c.16,000 adults It has a core content, supplemented by varying modules Health measures provide pre-baseline information Household response - HSE (74% to 76%) Individual adult response - HSE (67% to 70%)

10 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing HSE Content for ELSA Baseline General health Use of health services MRC respiratory questionnaire, chest pain, CVD Physical activity Eating habits, smoking, drinking Height and weight (collected in interview) Waist and hip, demi-span (by nurse) Parental history GHQ12 Blood pressure; blood sample Prescribed drugs; vitamins; nicotine replacements Household composition, housing, job, income

11 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Linkage to administrative data at HSE NHS Central Register

12 HSE 1998 & Nurse Visit HSE 1998 & Nurse Visit ELSA Wave One 2002/3 Core Interview (12,100 respondents) ELSA Wave One 2002/3 Core Interview (12,100 respondents) The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing HSE 1999 & Nurse Visit HSE 1999 & Nurse Visit HSE 2001 & Nurse Visit HSE 2001 & Nurse Visit

13 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Eligibility for the Study at Wave 1 Core sample members born on or before 29th Feb 1952 In household sector in England at baseline (ELSA W1) Younger partners cohabiting with core sample at HSE New partners who joined household since HSE Some data about other household and family members No interviews in institutions or outside England at baseline

14 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Interview Content and Structure Household demographics Individual demographics Health Social participation Work and pensions Income and assets Housing and consumption Cognitive function Psychosocial health Expectations Final questions Timed walk Self-completion

15 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Interview Content and Structure Household demographics Answered once per household Individual demographics] Health] Answered by all Social participation] Can be conducted concurrently Work and pensions] Income and assets Answered once per financial unit Housing and consumption Answered once per household Cognitive function] Psychosocial health] Answered by all Expectations] Should be answered in private Final questions ] Timed walk Answered by 60+, floating block Self-completion Can be left behind or switched

16 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Linkage to administrative data at Wave 1 NHS Central Register New employers (for private pension plan details) Hospital Episodes database National Insurance contributions (post 1978) Benefits (incl. state pension payments) and tax credits (post 1999)

17 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Response Issued sample of ~11,600 households; ~18,800 individuals Achieved sample of ~7,900 households; ~12,100 individuals ~11,400 interviews with core sample members ~640 interviews with partners under 50 and ~70 with new partners Response among core sample members Household response 70% 96% responding within households Overall individual response rate of 67% Individual response rate for new partners 68% Individual response rate for younger partners 63%

18 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Achieved Sample Size - All Sample Types Numbers % Age MenWomen Total MenWomen Total Under 50 104 472 576 2 7 5 50-54 9201156 2076 17 17 17 55-59 10301171 2201 19 17 18 60-64 813 883 1696 15 13 14 65-69 806 912 1718 15 13 14 70-74 680 797 1477 13 12 12 75-79 498 596 1094 9 9 9 80+ 485 777 1262 9 11 10 Total5336676412100 100 100 100

19 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Response and Weighting at Wave 1 High response to elements within survey Housing 99.7% Income and assets 99.0% Self-completion 92.0% Imputation for missing values in economic variables Weighting to take account of household non-response Post-stratified to the relevant population using Census 2001 Applied at individual level

20 HSE 1998 & Nurse Visit HSE 1998 & Nurse Visit ELSA Wave One 2002/3 Core Interview (12,100 respondents) ELSA Wave One 2002/3 Core Interview (12,100 respondents) ELSA Wave Two 2004/5 Core Interview + Nurse Visit ELSA Wave Two 2004/5 Core Interview + Nurse Visit The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing HSE 1999 & Nurse Visit HSE 1999 & Nurse Visit HSE 2001 & Nurse Visit HSE 2001 & Nurse Visit

21 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Survey Content at Wave 2 Core modules remain Repeat cross-sectional questions Dependent interviewing where prior data is available (Temporary) removal of some questions Some additions to main questionnaire Date of onset of new conditions and quality of care Job change and retirement House moves Additional consumption questions Loneliness, life satisfaction

22 ELSA English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Major Changes at Wave 2 Nurse visit sample members only blood pressure; blood samples; saliva sample height & weight; waist & hip; lung function physical performance measures grip strength, balance, leg rise, chair raises experimental self-completion Moves into institution Exit interview Change to following rules outside of England partners to be followed for at least one wave after splits

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