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Artifact Reflection Writing & Editing Presentation Ms. Vanessa Paneca.

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Presentation on theme: "Artifact Reflection Writing & Editing Presentation Ms. Vanessa Paneca."— Presentation transcript:

1 Artifact Reflection Writing & Editing Presentation Ms. Vanessa Paneca

2 Objective Review key elements of a well-written artifact reflection

3 Reflection John Dewey suggested learning occurs through experiences AND reflecting on those experiences. Reflective practitioners think about: 1. What happened; 2. Why it happened; and 3. What could be done to get better results.

4 Reflection For educators, reflection results in: 1. Informed decision making 2. Improved practice (teaching) Improved teaching results in better learning outcomes.

5 AIM for 3! THEORY / RESEARCH Student Learning Demographics What happened? (observations, data, feedback, outcomes) Continuous Improvement What can I do to get better results? What can I do to improve my skills / knowledge? My Growth What did I learn? How did I grow as a professional?

6 AIM for 3! O this was your foundation for developing and/or implementing the artifact O sources – course readings (textbooks, journal articles, websites, etc.) O cite and reference key element(s) related to artifact and FEAP THEORY / RESEARCH

7 AIM for 3! Demographics – “set the stage” for the reader O provide specific information about targeted K-12 students taken into consideration while developing / implementing artifact (ex: exceptionalities, language acquisition, gender, SES, setting, etc.) O very briefly tell reader what type of artifact you developed / implemented Student Learning Demographics What happened? (observations, data, feedback, outcomes)

8 AIM for 3! Example: The science lesson plan (ecology of the Everglades) was developed for a fifth grade inclusion class. There were 20 students enrolled in the class, of which 3 were Learning Disabled and 2 were level 3 English Language Learners. Student Learning Demographics What happened? (observations, data, feedback, outcomes)

9 AIM for 3! What happened in regards to student learning (cognitive and affective domain)? O Discuss what the K-12 students learned as a result of you implementing the artifact. O Focus on direct and indirect assessments O student observations O anecdotal notes O feedback from students O feedback from your cooperating teacher O formal assessment results Student Learning Demographics What happened? (observations, data, feedback, outcomes)

10 AIM for 3! O Focus on how you have grown as a result of developing / implementing the artifact: O expansion knowledge O enhancement or development of skills O formation of new perspectives My Growth What did I learn? How did I grow as a professional?

11 AIM for 3! O What can I do to get better results? O Examine gap between theory (what should happen) & what actually happened O Explain what you can do to get better results the next time the artifact is used O If the artifact was not implemented, think about what you can do to improve the overall quality of the artifact. Continuous Improvement What can I do to get better results? What can I do to improve my skills / knowledge?

12 AIM for 3! What can I do to improve my skills / knowledge related? O only address this question when writing reflections for unique artifacts (for example - article reviews) O state specifically what you will do to improve your skill sets related to the FEAP. Continuous Improvement What can I do to get better results? What can I do to improve my skills / knowledge?

13 AIM for 3! What can I do to improve my skills / knowledge related? Example: If your strategy for improving your skill set is attending workshops, then you should include the workshops by name. For example, you may visit the MDCPS website and identify workshops that will focus on the specific skills you seek to develop. Continuous Improvement What can I do to get better results? What can I do to improve my skills / knowledge?

14 AIM for 3! THEORY / RESEARCH Student Learning Demographics What happened? (observations, data, feedback, outcomes) Continuous Improvement What can I do to get better results? What can I do to improve my skills / knowledge? My Growth What did I learn? How did I grow as a professional?

15 Improve Your Writing! You can improve you writing by: O using transitional devices O using academic language (descriptive verbs you learned for lesson planning) O avoiding the over usage of “I” O varying sentence structures O proofreading and editing your work Review the Write Right, Right? PowerPoint presentation on the SOE E-Portfolio Resources pageWrite Right, Right?SOE E-Portfolio Resources page

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