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 Presented by: Iman Moazzen  Tutorial TA (four time)  Lab TA (two times)  Academic Assistant (four times)  Marker (one time)  Lab Manager.

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Presentation on theme: " Presented by: Iman Moazzen  Tutorial TA (four time)  Lab TA (two times)  Academic Assistant (four times)  Marker (one time)  Lab Manager."— Presentation transcript:


2  Presented by: Iman Moazzen

3  Tutorial TA (four time)  Lab TA (two times)  Academic Assistant (four times)  Marker (one time)  Lab Manager

4  Highlighting the benefits of working as an ESL TA  What students expect from you as a TA (Tutorial and Lab TA)  What you should expect from students  Teaching tips for ESL TAs  How to overcome potential problems of communications

5  Great on your Resume  Improve your English  Improve your Presentation & Personal Skills  Test Innovative Teaching Methods  Learn Logistics  Make a lot of Friends  Earn Money

6  Organized (systematic approach)

7  Fourier Series 6

8 Frequency Means How Fast a Signal is Changing 7 If the signal is changing very fast: high frequencies If the signal is changing very slowly: low frequencies

9 Fast Song Slow Song 8

10 9

11  Organized (plan & time)  Knowledgeable  Confident  Approachable (answering questions & dedicating extra time & answering emails)

12  Knowledgeable  Treat all groups the same  Be specific about lab report and marking rubrics  Mark lab report till next lab (technical content)

13  Professional Behavior

14  Get prepared for each class  Speak as simple as possible  Try to speak loud and slow  Check if students follow what you are saying  Don’t worry about your English

15  Practice  What to do if you don’t understand the question

16  Personal Homepage  Handout

17  Organized  Well Prepared  Approachable  Speak as simple as possible  Loud and clear voice  Don’t worry about your English

18 17 Thanks for your attention

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