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Accessing Longitudinal Data via the Economic and Social Data Service Jack Kneeshaw 11 July 2006 ESDS Longitudinal.

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Presentation on theme: "Accessing Longitudinal Data via the Economic and Social Data Service Jack Kneeshaw 11 July 2006 ESDS Longitudinal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accessing Longitudinal Data via the Economic and Social Data Service Jack Kneeshaw 11 July 2006 ESDS Longitudinal

2 Economic and Social Data Service provides access and support for key economic and social data distributed service, bringing together centres of expertise in data creation, dissemination, preservation and use core archiving services plus four specialist data services

3 ESDS Longitudinal Joint enterprise: UK Data Archive (UKDA) UK Longitudinal Studies Centre (ULSC) based at ISER supports a range of longitudinal data collections but five core collections in particular: National Child Development Study (NCDS) 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA)


5 Finding and Accessing Data

6 The data themselves - NCDS

7 The data themselves – BCS70

8 The data themselves - MCS

9 The data themselves - BHPS

10 The data themselves - ELSA

11 Retrieval and access web access, via UKDA site, to data and metadata documentation (codebooks, questionnaires) freely available to any UKDA user (registered or unregistered) in some cases, data can be browsed and frequencies run by any user (registered or unregistered) using Nesstar full datasets are freely available for download for the majority of our registered users data supplied in a variety of formats –SPSS –STATA –tab-delimited text

12 Demo

13 ESDS Longitudinal + 44 (0)1206 872143

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