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2 nd Semester Biology Just a couple more days!!. Choose a question… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31.

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Presentation on theme: "2 nd Semester Biology Just a couple more days!!. Choose a question… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 nd Semester Biology Just a couple more days!!

2 Choose a question… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

3 In what kingdom would you find mushrooms? Answer


5 Who categorized organisms based on size and habitat? answer

6 Aristotle

7 To what kingdom do we belong? Answer

8 Animalia

9 Plantae

10 Eukaryotic, photosynthetic organisms that are multicellular belong to this kingdom Answer

11 Each DNA codon codes for a(n) Answer

12 Amino Acid

13 Where do scavengers get their food? Answer

14 From dead organisms

15 What process do bacteria use to reproduce? Answer

16 Binary fission

17 If a body cell of an organism contains 20 chromosomes, what is the diploid number of this organism? Answer

18 20 home

19 What is the final product of mitosis? Answer

20 2 cells that are genetically identical to the original cell. home

21 During which phase does DNA replication occur? answer

22 If you had a streptococci in your body, what would it look like? Answer

23 Interphase

24 During which phase do tetrads first pair up? Answer

25 Prophase I

26 Describe the final product of meiosis in females. Answer

27 1 egg cell (that is different/unique from the original cell) and 3 polar bodies (that die off)

28 What kinds of bonds hold nitrogen bases (in DNA) together? Answer

29 Weak Hydrogen bonds Don’t forget, these bonds are broken by enzymes

30 A codon is made up of how many nitrogen bases? Answer

31 3

32 In what part of a cell do you find DNA? Answer

33 In the nucleus

34 Mutations that can be passed on to offspring are known as… Answer

35 Germ-line mutations

36 What is the name of this type of DNA technology? Answer

37 DNA Fingerprinting Do you know what gene therapy is?

38 How many pairs of autosomes does a normal human have? Answer

39 22 We have 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes (X or Y)

40 Are gametes diploid or haploid? Answer

41 Haploid

42 Are somatic cells diploid or haploid? Answer

43 Diploid

44 Describe the final product of spermatogenesis. Answer

45 4 equally sized sperm cells that are different/unique from the original cell

46 What are the stages of mitosis (in order)? Answer

47 Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

48 List the stages of meiosis in order Answer

49 Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I, Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, Telophase II

50 What is the longest stage of the cell cycle? Answer

51 Interphase EXTRA POINT!

52 Does cancer cause the cell cycle to be longer or shorter? answer

53 Shorter Cancerous cells undergo mitosis faster than normal cells so more can be made in the same amount of time.

54 What type of cancer is found in tissues lining the organs of the body Answer

55 Carcinoma

56 If two heterozygous plants are crossed in a monohybrid cross, what percent of the offspring will show the dominant phenotype? Answer

57 75%

58 A child shows a recessive trait. What must be the genotypes of his/her parents (assume they do not show the trait)? answer

59 If one child shows a recessive phenotype, what must be the genotype of the parents (assume they do not show the trait)? Answer

60 Aa x Aa

61 A red and white flower are crossed. They produce a pink flower. What kind of inheritance is shown? answer

62 Incomplete Dominance

63 A red and white cow are crossed. They produce a roan cow. What kind of inheritance is shown? answer

64 Codominance

65 How many total letters represent the genotype of an organism in a dihybrid cross? Answer

66 4

67 A person with AB blood type can never have a child with what blood type? answer

68 O

69 Who is the “Father of Genetics”? Answer

70 Mendel

71 How many mating pairs are in this pedigree? answer answer

72 3

73 What is the genotype of the shaded individuals in this pedigree? answer answer

74 dd (homozygous recessive) home home dd DD/Dd Dd Dd Dd DD/Dd Dd DdDD/Dd dd DD/Dd dd DD/Dd

75 AB- home home

76 According to this key, what blood type is this RBC? answer answer

77 What kingdom consists of amoebas and protists? answer

78 Protista EXTRA POINT!

79 If two organisms belong to the same order, what other taxonomic groups will they share? answer

80 Kingdom, Phylum, & Class Home

81 “Life comes from nonliving things” describes what theory? answer

82 Spontaneous Generation EXTRA POINT

83 Who performed this experiment? answer

84 Redi home

85 This theorist believed that organisms acquire the traits that they need. answer

86 Lamarck

87 Which of these layers has the most complex forms of life? answer

88 Layer F Lowest layer  Uppermost layer Oldest fossils  Youngest fossils Simplest forms  Most complex forms EXTRA POINT!

89 What is the name of this tree? answer

90 Phylogenetic tree

91 True or False: living in similar environments is an indicator of common ancestry answer

92 False

93 What classification categories does a scientific name include? answer

94 Genus species or Genus species Binomial nomenclature! Make sure you know how humans are classified EXTRA POINT!

95 Name this! What is the name of this tool which is used to classify organisms based on their characteristics. answer

96 Cladogram

97 List the classification categories in order answer

98 Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species King Phillip Came Over For Grape Soda King Phillip Came Over For Grape Soda EXTRA POINT!

99 What about organisms did Linnaeus base his classification system on? answer

100 Morphology He looked at the form and structure of organisms and grouped them based on this.

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