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Ontario Data Documentation, Extraction Service and Infrastructure IASSIST 2008 Palo Alto, California.

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Presentation on theme: "Ontario Data Documentation, Extraction Service and Infrastructure IASSIST 2008 Palo Alto, California."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ontario Data Documentation, Extraction Service and Infrastructure IASSIST 2008 Palo Alto, California

2 what it is… what it is… is a centralised, standardised web-based data exploration/extraction system based on the DDI standard & delivered through Scholars Portal <it is the only data tool unanimously supported by all 19 OCUL university libraries that allows the user to search multiple datasets at the variable level

3 It always starts with a question… <The 1950’s saw strong anti- communist sentiments in the United States. Did these carry into the 1960’s and were they present in Canada???






9 What ‘s the problem? <lack the search skills to find the relevant datasets <unable to use the tools or software that surround the data <lack the arithmetic/statistical skills to manipulate data

10 What do users need?? <easy search tool, readily accessible (internet, desktop) <metadata <search across many datasets at once <provide descriptive summary stats <data away in excel <work independently

11 … a question <The 1950’s saw strong anti- communist sentiments in the United States. Did these carry into the 1960’s and were they present in Canada???










21 <odesi> <exposes undergraduates to the research enterprise at an early stage in their careers <is important in developing numeric skills <focus is on understanding what the data show, not on the formulae

22 Inside Inside <collaboration by sharing the work with other universities <students code data in DDI using the Best Practices Document <hardware sits at Scholars Portal

23 Hardware Nesstar software

24 Funding is a jointly funded project between the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) and OntarioBuys (BPS Supply Chain Secretariat, Ontario Ministry of Finance) < $1.04M including “in kind” contributions of datasets and facilities

25 Data holdings <Statistics Canada DLI files Census Public-use Microdata Files (PUMF) Special Surveys, General Social Surveys (GSS) Health (CTUMS) <Public Opinion Polls (e.g. 1945 – 2000 Gallup & IPSOS Reid) created using student power

26 Build awareness < leverage the existing broad base of goodwill among library representatives and data professionals to obtain the widest promotion possible through a series of conference presentations and articles in academic publications

27 Building partnerships <seek new datasets Province of Ontario Data <creating a suite of tutorials and other training materials to the wider education sector <supporting the national co-ordination committee for DDI projects in Canada CANDDI

28 Partnerships … as a trusted digital repository for Ontario research data <explore to links with CARL and CISTI in the aim of creating a national data archive <explore international links e.g. CESSDA, IFDO

29 Universities with access to Universities with access to Brock University Carleton University University of Guelph Lakehead University Laurentian University McMaster University Nipissing University Ontario College of Art and Design University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Ottawa Queen's University Ryerson University University of Toronto Trent University University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario Wilfrid Laurier University University of Windsor York University

30 OCUL & Ontario Buys Commercial Software Scholars Portal DDI Standard Ontario Data Documentation, Extraction Service and Infrastructure

31 <Check out our WIKI listserve

32 Contact An intuitive data portal for researchers, teachers and students; inspiring, developing and supporting research excellence. For more information contact Paula Hurtubise, Project Manager @

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