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Workshop 8 Computers and Biology. Neural Networks  Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts – 1943 - artificial neural networks  Warren McCulloch Interview.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop 8 Computers and Biology. Neural Networks  Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts – 1943 - artificial neural networks  Warren McCulloch Interview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop 8 Computers and Biology

2 Neural Networks  Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts – 1943 - artificial neural networks  Warren McCulloch Interview (1969) – YouTube Warren McCulloch Interview (1969) – YouTube (21 minutes) cachecache

3 Feed Forward Network Frank Rosenblatt 1962? 1969 Perceptron book Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert Embarrassing mistakes in perceptron researchEmbarrassing mistakes in perceptron research - Marvin Minsky

4 Gregor Mendel  Gregor Mendel’s pea experiments – Experiments on Plant Hybridization (published 1865)- Showed the binary nature (dominant/recessive) of inherited traits  How Mendel's pea plants helped us understand genetics (3 minutes) cache How Mendel's pea plants helped us understand geneticscache  Phenotype – Visible traits such as pea color  Genotype – Inherited material – What was it?  Gene (1909 Johannsen) – Information passed from father and mother that determines the trait  1910 Morgan found that genes lie on chromosomes  1944 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) stored the genes Mendel as prelate of the Augustinian order, 1880

5 Watson & Crick  1951 Rosalind Franklin began X-ray diffraction studies to determine the structure of DNA  1953 Crick & Watson built a physical model of the double helix which explained everything  The twisting tale of DNA - Judith Hauck (4 minutes) cache The twisting tale of DNA cache  DNA Story - Watson and Crick DNA Story  James Watson: How we discovered DNA Ted Talk James Watson: How we discovered DNA

6 Alan Turing & Claude Shannon  Claude Shannon – 1940 - An Algebra for Theoretical Genetics – Ph.D thesis at MIT  Alan Turing

7 Bioinformatics (Computational Biology)  Decoding the genome – Computers come to the rescue  Dynamic Programming – Slides including Needleman-Wunsch cache Dynamic Programming cache Decoding a Genomic RevolutionDecoding a Genomic Revolution: Manolis Kellis at TEDxCambridge 2013 (10 minutes) cachecache Manolis KellisManolis Kellis, Ph.D. Professor Computer Science, MIT MIT Computational Biology Group Computer Science and AI LAb Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Computer ScienceMIT MIT Computational Biology Group Computer Science and AI LAb Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

8 Doing a FASTA Search

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