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CSCE 488: Computer Engineering Professional Development ( 1 – Lecturer:

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Presentation on theme: "CSCE 488: Computer Engineering Professional Development ( 1 – Lecturer:"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSCE 488: Computer Engineering Professional Development ( 1 – Lecturer: Witty Srisa-an

2 Course Introduction2 About Myself Professor in CSE/UNL since 2002 Teach (among others): Computer Organization (230), Senior Design (488-489) Embedded Systems (496/896) OS Kernels (351) Research O-O programming languages Memory management Virtualization Synchronization primatives

3 Course Introduction3 So what's the course all about? Together with the companion 489, it prepares you for professional life. Technical knowledge is not enough. Also need: Skills in technical communication Ability to work in teams (team work) Professional integrity and ethics You learn about them by doing them. Think of 488-489 as a fun, single integrated course for project work: Offers opportunity to compete in ChallengeE and CSID.ChallengeECSID

4 Course Introduction4 Specific Course Goals Reading Comprehension. Read and critique technical material effectively Project Design. Work in teams to brainstorm on ideas for a substantial team project that you might carry out in 489. Writing and Oral Communication. Report on your project proposal both in writing and in oral presentations according to professional norms. Design Implementation. Realize and report on a component of your proposed project according to a well-defined schedule.

5 Course Introduction5 Course Schedule (Flexible) See course web-page

6 Course Introduction6 Required Textbook Inviting Disasters: Lessons from the Edge of Technology by James R. Chiles, Collins; Reprint edition (September 1, 2002), ISBN: 0066620821. (Paperback) Only required for a part of the course. Other sources listed on the class web page

7 Course Introduction7 Course Grading No tests. Your grade depends on 7 homework assignments: Homework 1: Survey and technical research (5%+2% Bonus) (Individual assignment) Homework 2: Reading and Critiquing Technical Material (10%) (From the textbook, Team assignment) Homework 3: Reviewing Past Senior Design Projects (15%) (Team Assignment) Homework 4: Design and Written Report on Project Proposal (15%) (Team Assignment) Homework 5: Oral Presentation on Project Proposal (15%) (Team Assignment) Homework 6: Written Report on Mini-project (20%) (Team Assignment) Homework 7: Team Project Presentation (20%) (Team Assignment)

8 Course Introduction8 Conversion to Letter Grades (Cutoff %) Note: Completion of all work and required participation will ensure a grade of C+ Bonus on exceptional work in any part of the course at my discretion (worth upgrade to the next letter grade, i.e. from B+ to A-). A+AA-B+BB-C+CC-DF 97939087838077737060<60

9 Course Introduction9 Academic Dishonesty What is it? Carefully read the departmental policy at: The above is strictly enforced – the Department has a zero-tolerance policy. Complicity in cheating is equally culpable Beware especially of plagiarizing material from online and other sources. I am obligated to report every offense to the Department Chair for further consideration

10 Course Introduction10 Course TA Jie Feng She has a lot of experience with this course and has help with many successful projects last semester. Be considerate, however, as she is assigned only 7 hours/week for this course. See course web page for more info!

11 Course Introduction11 Conclusion 488-489 integrated to provide professional- life experience, through project work and hands-on assignments. You form and work in teams in 488 to come up with a project proposal and a mini-project implementation. You receive feedback from us on your project ideas and on written and oral presentations. Gives you enough time to come up with a good project proposal for 489.

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