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SCHOOL EVALUATION ON GIMNAZIJA NOVO MESTO, SLOVENIA Mojca Lukšič, Gimnazija Novo mesto, April 2013, Rzeszow.

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Presentation on theme: "SCHOOL EVALUATION ON GIMNAZIJA NOVO MESTO, SLOVENIA Mojca Lukšič, Gimnazija Novo mesto, April 2013, Rzeszow."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCHOOL EVALUATION ON GIMNAZIJA NOVO MESTO, SLOVENIA Mojca Lukšič, Gimnazija Novo mesto, April 2013, Rzeszow

2 S LOVENIAN S CHOOL S YSTEM Mostly state-run schools. School board consisting of elected teachers, parents and (pupils in secondary schools) and representative of the local government and representatives of Ministry of education. High level of autonomy as to methods and school rules. Primary school – 9 years. Vocational (2-3 years), technical and general schools (4 years). School counselling is very well established. Support for development in all fields - National institut for education.

3 W HETHER THE EXTERNAL / INTERNAL SCHOOL EVALUATION IS INCLUDED IN THE LAW ? Slovenia: different Acts– different requires for self evaluation and quality improvement - for primary school - for vocational education - for general school Only in the Act for vocational education is written that the school must have the Commission for quality and the self evaluation report must be written. The general Act only proposes that the self evaluation should be done. Only internal evaluation.

4 G IMNAZIJA N OVO MESTO General school established in1746. 700 pupils, 60 teachers, 2 counsellers, 29 classes. Different classes: general, classic, european and sport. Many projects and extra-curricula activities. Team teaching, project work, cross curricular activities. SCHOOL Development team.

5 S ELF EVALUATION ON GNM School development team is in charge of the evaluation of the activities taken in school. We use different questionnaires prepared by school development team –no-standard questionnaires. We are collecting the information at the end of each activity. The information are collected from all involved parties (pupils, teachers, parents, local community … ). Nevertheless some teacher are evaluating their work on a regular basis by their own.

6 S ELF EVALUATION ON GNM The self evaluation report is written by the head for the previous year. In the report there are the results of the evaluating fields and the proposals for the improvement. Schoolboard adopt the report. The self evaluation report is a public document but it is not published.

7 S ELF EVALUATION ON GNM In past few years we have been evaluating: Project week (students, teachers, parents). Teachers work (students). Career day (students, teachers, parents). Excursions (students, parents, teachers). Team-teaching day (students, parents, teachers). Classes (teachers). We are planning to evaluate learning and development of competences. How? We don't know yet.

8 R ESULTS, EFFECTS AND THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE SCHOOL EVALUATION RESULTS – FOR SCHOOL, HEADMASTER. The results are supposed to be opportunity to improve our work, to develope new strategies for achieving our goals, to be better. Interpretation and understanding of the results can be a big problem. Self evaluation is a mirror. And we don't necessarily like the image we see in it. Sometimes it hurts. Self evaluation is effective only if the need comes from school itself.

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