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1 Staff-Student Partnership For Assessment Change and Evaluation Disability Studies Conference: Putting Theory into Practice, Lancaster University, July.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Staff-Student Partnership For Assessment Change and Evaluation Disability Studies Conference: Putting Theory into Practice, Lancaster University, July."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Staff-Student Partnership For Assessment Change and Evaluation Disability Studies Conference: Putting Theory into Practice, Lancaster University, July 2004 Critically Responding to Current Practice through the Adoption of Inclusive Methods of Assessment Melanie Parker, University of Plymouth

2 2 SPACE Project The aims of this paper are:  To critically review the current practice in HE of providing special examination arrangements for students with disabilities  To consider inclusive forms of assessment as an alternative

3 3 SPACE Project The session will:  Introduce SPACE  Look at current practice  Look at delivering inclusive education through alternative forms of assessment  Contextualize the debate  Identify the challenges facing inclusive assessment

4 4 SPACE Project  HEFCE Strand 2 Project  Continuation of the HEFCE SWANDS Project  Collaboration across 8 HEI’s  Academics  Disability Officers  Educational Developers  Students

5 5 SPACE Project  Action Research Methodology Disability research should be “about research with rather than for or on disabled people.” Goodley, D (1999, p.6) Surveyed and interviewed over 100 first year students with disabilities regarding:  Experience of current assessment methods  Effectiveness of any special examination arrangements  Feedback about any alternative assessment methods they may have had

6 6 Contextualize the Assessment Experience  Legislation - DDA Part 4, Compliance in Post 16 Education  “anticipatory action”  “reasonable adjustments”  Special Arrangements  Equity  Limitations  Oversights  “Participation in education continues to be focused on fitting people into what is already available …” (Stuart, 2002, p.22)  Medical Model of Disability

7 7 Student voice Special Examination Arrangements: “Although the computer has made it easier for me to answer questions as I find handwriting at speed very difficult. I still feel I am struggling to give my answers in the time given.”

8 8 Student voice Examinations: “Exams are dependent upon how well I am on that particular day.” “ … massive time pressure of an exam and pain caused by sitting for long periods …”

9 9 Student voice In-class assessments: “Sometimes I have had difficult periods where assessments overlapped and I could not meet the deadlines. I subsequently handed in substandard work.” “I find it takes me a long time to complete practical sessions and tests due to my reading speed. I feel very anxious and pressurised by time and staff and partly my colleagues. This does not help me concentrate or understand”

10 10 Facilitating Inclusive Education  “I think alternative assessments are a good idea however to other students it may seem unfair.” “If the assessment system is changed I believe all students should partake in order not to alienate those with learning difficulties”  Government agenda of 50% population participation in HE by 2010 “Diversity is upon us and we will be changed by it” (Christine King, ILTHE Conference, 2004)

11 11 Facilitating Inclusive Education  Post-modernism “ … postmodern ideas can contribute an enormous amount to the development of inclusive societies …” (Corker & Shakespeare, 2002)  From capitalism to consumerism  Representation  Identity  Social model of disability

12 12 Student voice Student’s Preferred Methods of Assessment:  Continuous assessment  Multiple choice testing  Oral examinations  Coursework with discussion elements  Portfolios  Essay assignments  Computer-based assessments and exercises

13 13 SPACE & Inclusive Education Putting together case studies of inclusive practice:  Oral presentation (Health and Social Care)  Video rather than written dissertation (Illustration)  Oral assessment rather than traditional exam (Civil Engineering  Oral report rather than written report (Humanities)  Design report rather than essay (Art and Design)  Portfolio (Education, Science & Engineering)  Providing students with a choice of assessment (Construction Education)

14 14 SPACE & Inclusive Education Alternative Assessment Toolkit  Case studies  Tested examples of alternative assessment methods  Critical review  Institutional/departmental/individual procedures to support the process of assessment change  Evaluation tools  Resource Issues

15 15 The Challenges facing SPACE and Inclusive Assessment  Cultural Shift/Transformation “the change process is not about assimilation but transformation” (Barton, 2003)  Discipline/strategic planning  Assessing core learning outcomes  Informed staff  Resources and time  Professional Bodies  Existing strategies  Plagiarism

16 16 SPACE Project Thank you for listening and sharing your thoughts and ideas. For more information please contact us 01752 232284

17 17 SPACE Project References: Barton, L. (2003) “Inclusive Education and Teacher Education – A Basis for Hope or a Discourse of Delusion” Professorial Lecture, Institute of Education, University of London Corker, M. & Shakespeare, T. “Disability/Postmodernity”, Continuum, London Crowther, J., Martin, I., & Shaw, M. (2000) “Turning the Discourse” in Thompson, J. “Stretching the Academy”, NIACE, Leicester

18 18 SPACE Project References: Goodley, D. (1999) “Disablity Research and the Researcher Template: Reflections on Grounded Subjectivity in Ethnographic Research”, Qualitative Inquiry 5 (1) 24-26 Stuart, M. (2002) “Collaborating for Change?”, NIACE, Leicester

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