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State Report Instructions Mr. Michael Feenstra Protestant Reformed Christian School Grade 5.

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Presentation on theme: "State Report Instructions Mr. Michael Feenstra Protestant Reformed Christian School Grade 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 State Report Instructions Mr. Michael Feenstra Protestant Reformed Christian School Grade 5

2 Why a State Report? Apply your knowledge of geography Summarize information that you gather Responsibility to do the job right and on time Fulfills Indiana Academic Standard 5.3.2

3 Written Report Gather information for your report Write information on note cards Write paragraphs for each section Revise paragraphs Write a rough draft from paragraphs Revise and edit rough draft Write final draft

4 Project Pages Different from the written report Project pages support your report Example: A paragraph on Lincoln could have a project page on Lincoln Use 9 X 12 colored construction paper Neat work is very important Write information in your own words Create a cover with your art work without the use of a computer

5 Plagiarism Plagiarism is writing sentences in your report as if they were your own idea, when really someone else thought of the sentences You may copy other people’s ideas if you use quotation marks around those sentences Write notes in your own words Do not write your report straight from the book Plagiarism is lying

6 Project Pages You Must Have Cover Page State Bird State Flower State Flag Landform Map

7 Project Pages You Must Have Map of major cities Agriculture Geography Climate Industry

8 Choice Pages (At Least 4) Work Famous Events Wildlife Page Places Travelers Visit Internet example: Lincoln Home National Park Timeline Government

9 Choice Pages (At Least 4) Indians Precipitation Map Internet example: Illinois precipitation Population Map Product Map Famous People History

10 Extra Pages Do these pages for extra credit when you have all required and four choice pages finished. You may use choice pages as extra pages Check with me if you have a page idea. Here are some ideas: State Seal Interview a state resident Landmarks

11 Presentation You will hand in your written report and project before spring break After spring break, you will make a poster Speak about four main points of your state Practice before you speak!

12 Resources This project seems like a lot to do We work on this in class over a long time Make sure that you keep up with the due dates Best places to look for information: World Book Encarta Internet: Have your parents help you

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